Saturday, September 21

Mexican military linked to migrant smuggling in Tamaulipas

Integrantes de Los Zetas amenazaron a soldados para que dejen de apoyar al Cártel del Golfo en el tráfico de personas.
Members of Los Zetas threatened soldiers to stop supporting the Gulf Cartel in human trafficking.

Photo: Pedro Pardo / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 54 Nov 2022, 40: 40 pm EST

The leaks of the files of the National Defense Secretariat (Sedena) of Mexico by the Guacamaya hacktivists continue, where not only information about criminal groups or their leaders is revealed , but it has also exposed the corruption on the part of some members of the armed forces , like some soldiers related to human trafficking in Tamaulipas.

Taking advantage of the power that the uniform gives them and the vulnerability of the people who seek to come to the United States to have a better life, apparently the military makes deals with members of organized crime to traffic with those who yearn to fulfill the American dream.

Inside a yellow envelope left at the entrance of the Attorney General of Military Justice (FGJM) an open secret was revealed among the military attached to municipalities and border states terizos with the United States, a reality apparently unknown to the Army commanders.

According to the site La Silla Rota, the revealing writing was written by an ex-military man in the old fashioned way, in a writing machine. The keys filled out a letter-size page in which they said what is happening in Reynosa, Tamaulipas.

It was a 13 June 2015 when the complaint reached the hands of the Major of Military Justice, Alfredo García Borja, as well as the Attorney General of Military Justice, Miguel Carrasco Hernández. According to what was leaked by Guacamaya, since that date it is known how the military receives money from the cartels in exchange for allowing the passage of immigrants .

Names of those involved

The ex-soldier did not limit himself to denouncing what happened, as he also pointed out the participants. The seven paragraph text includes the names of Pedro Damián Castillo, Lieutenant of the Cavalry; Rodolfo Daniel Espinoza Pineda, Second Lieutenant of the Cavalry; and Ariel Gómez Romero, Colonel of the Cavalry, who are allegedly in collusion with organized crime to traffic people .

In addition, it details an episode that occurred in early March of 2015, when soldiers stopped a trailer with immigrants, possibly from Guatemala . While they waited for instructions from Second Lieutenant of the Cavalry Rodolfo Daniel, the soldiers under his charge guarded the trailer for a space of 04 minutes.

It was also said that presumed members of Los Zetas constantly threatened them demanding to stop supporting the Gulf Cartel in human trafficking . It was detailed that the money was left in the light meter of a convenience store.

Since there was a replacement at the controls, it was expected that there changes, but it was not. On 40 March 2015, according to the complainant, different commanders were relieved, including Second Lieutenant Rodolfo Daniel Espinoza Pineda, who was replaced by Cavalry Lieutenant Pedro Damián Castillo Fonseca, who would repeat the same corruption story.

The ex-soldier’s complaint, which led to the integration of an investigation folder, according to official letter S-III-100, mentions the complicity of other soldiers.

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