Saturday, September 21

'Checo' Pérez would have been accused by Max Verstappen's mother of 'cheating' on his wife

Sergio 'Checo' Pérez en compañia de su familia tras el GP de México 2022.
Sergio ‘Checo’ Pérez in the company of his family after the Mexican GP 2022.

Photo: Mark Thompson / Getty Images

Last Sunday at the Brazilian Grand Prix ‘Checo’ Pérez and Max Verstappen had a disagreement after the Dutchman consciously harmed the Mexican. After the race, the man from Guadalajara made strong statements towards the champion and the controversy would spread to social networks when the mother of the driver of 25 years ago he speculated in a mocking tone about Sergio’s alleged infidelity to his wife.

Sophie Kumpen’s comment stems from a strong controversy that broke out at the Monaco Grand Prix

when Pérez crashed his car supposedly “on purpose” in the classification of the race and caused Q3 not to resume and Charles Leclerc started from pole position, with Carlos Sainz Jr. in second place on the grid , the Mexican third and Verstappen fourth.

According to unofficial information, ‘Checo’ later recognized ant e Red Bull bosses for their deliberate action, something that according to the Dutch press led Max to take revenge last Sunday in Interlagos.

However, the Monaco GP was not controversial just for that. After the race, a party was held in which the Mexican driver was present and where rumors of infidelity to his partner Carola Martínez began to spread.

It was for this reason that Kumpen made the ironic comment on Instagram where although he does not mention the one from Guadalajara, he leaves it implicit. “And then at night he cheated on her wife,” wrote the Dutch from her Instagram profile responding to a post

Max’s mother saying that later he also cheated on his wife (referring to Checo and Monaco)


— Latifi a CGR ❄️|| Maria☃️ (@7nsua) November 11, 2022

Possibly the response of Verstappen’s mother was given shortly after the Mexican’s statements when he criticized the Dutchman’s action before the media and blamed him for the help he has given to the. “If he has two championships, it’s thanks to me.”

Regarding the controversy of the Monaco GP, ‘Checo’ Pérez had to come out at the time to deny the rumors of infidelity towards his wife. “For those who ask, we are more united than ever my wife and I. And for those who just want to hurt us, I wish you the best. Thank you all for your love”.

For his part, Max Verstappen already declared that he will help the man from Guadalajara in the last Abu Dhabi Grand Prix and Pérez confirmed on social networks that the episode “was left behind”.

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