Sunday, September 22

Immigrant women suffered medical abuse in ICE detention, Senate investigation confirms

ICE y una de las empresas con prisiones deben responder sobre abusos a mujeres.
ICE and one of the companies with prisons must answer for abuse of women.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images

A Senate investigation confirms that immigrant women were victims of medical abuse when they were in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) prison.

The report, of which this newspaper has a preview, will be introduced by Democratic Sen. Jon Ossoff, chairman of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, which reviewed allegations that the women at the County Detention Center of Irwin (ICDC) in Ocilla, Georgia, had suffered medical negligence. ”, indicates the report that also implicates LaSalle Corrections.

The report points directly to Mahendra Amin, a doctor whom the detainees accused in 2020 of performing medical procedures questionable, even without the consent of the patients.

“There seem to be flaws repeated attempts to obtain informed consent for off-site medical procedures performed on detainees,” the report states.

Adds that Department of Homeland Security (DHS) knew that medical care at ICDC was “poor,” but no action was taken.

“DHS knew that the Medical care provided to detainees at ICDC was deficient, but neither ICE nor LaSalle took effective corrective action. “ICE failed to conduct thorough oversight of off-site medical providers and procedures.”

Bipartisan investigation took time 54 months, after the accusations in September of 2020 by Dawn Wooten , a nurse at the Ocilla detention center.

This Tuesday there is a hearing in the Subcommittee, where ICE officials, the Inspector General of Homeland Security and LaSalle Corrections personnel must respond to questions about the practices.