Monday, September 30

Fetus set on fire at Phoenix's largest homeless encampment

Para deshacerse de un feto a alguien se le ocurrió que la mejor opción era dejarlo arder hasta que se consumiera entre las llamas.
To get rid of a fetus, someone thought that the best option was to let it burn until it was consumed by the flames.

Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

Evaristo Lara

Over the weekend there was a daunting event in what is considered the largest homeless encampment in Phoenix , Arizona.

A police report indicates that around 1 am Saturday, a phone call was received requesting support for a child, who was allegedly being attacked west of downtown Arizona, where the largest concentration of homeless people in the entire city is located.

Upon arrival at the indicated point, a couple of officers found a fetus with a estimated gestational age between 20 and 24 weeks.

In this regard, Joel Coplin, who lives near the point where the macabre find was discovered, he described the scene as “absolutely horrible”.

“At first they thought it was a doll, but it wasn’t”, he explained during an interview with the television channel KPNX-TV.

The individual indicated that another of his neighbors, who was walking by the place in the company of his girlfriend, in the distance he noticed that someone set fire to an object lying on the floor and given the possibility that this would detonate a fire, he approached to try to put out the flame.

“He told me that his fiancee came and was trying to put out the fire, and then he stomped on it to make it stop burning, then he realized there was a baby in there. He saw a perfectly shaped head, small arms, hands, legs and chest, so he grabbed his fiancée and turned around so she wouldn’t see him. Look, he was scared. Later, he called 911″, described.

From that moment on, the authorities opened an investigation to try to discover the identity of the woman who fathered the fetus and the person responsible for setting it on fire.

Meanwhile, the Maricopa County Medical Examiner’s Office is conducting expert services to determine the cause of death of the child in process of gestation.

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