Sunday, September 29

What are the 4 worst foods for metabolism according to dietitians

Cuáles son los 4 peores alimentos para el metabolismo según dietistas

Photo: Voyagerix / Shutterstock

Ambar Román

Just as some foods can help improve digestion and promote a balanced intestine, there are others that have the opposite effect: they cause weight gain and less ability to burn food.

Registered dietitian Trista Best of Balance One Supplements explained to Yahoo News the four foods we should minimize in our eating habits to feel good about our bodies.

1. Breakfast Pastries

While an undeniably delicious breakfast option that can be eaten in moderation, breakfast pastries are often heavily processed ​​and therefore they are not an option if you want to improve your intestinal health.

“This food is hard on the gut mainly because of the added and refined sugars used to create it. A diet high in this type of sugar promotes intestinal dysbiosis and the imbalance of intestinal bacteria”, explains Best. Ambar Román2. Fried Foods

Oil can be healthy but only when used in moderation. “This category of food wreaks havoc on the entire gastrointestinal system. From reflux to unwanted bowel changes, the fat and refined carbohydrates in the flour used to create these foods are harmful to gut health,” Best notes.

Eating fried foods also creates an environment for negative gut bacteria to thrive. Ambar Román3. Some ‘diet’ foods

According to the dietitian, this category of food is commonly made with artificial sweeteners in an attempt to reduce the amount of calories and added sugar that they contain.

And although on the one hand they reduce calories, on the other hand they increase the probability of intestinal dysbiosis”, points out Best.

4. Processed Foods

Processed foods such as French fries, white pasta, and desserts can not only cause weight gain due to their caloric content, but can also have a significant impact on intestinal health.

“These foods are bad for gut health because they lack the kind of fiber that will improve gut health by feeding good gut bacteria,” Best says.

These often replace high-fiber foods such as fruits, vegetables, and even full meals that would otherwise benefit gut health.

That is why the specialist recommends changing processed foods for their more natural counterparts is the best option to improve your well-being and stacking your plate with fruits, vegetables, lean proteins and whole carbohydrates .Ambar Román

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