Sunday, September 29

What are the 200 most common passwords in the United States: what can happen if you use one of these keys

NordPass asegura que  73% de las 200 contraseñas más comunes en 2022 siguen siendo las mismas de 2021
NordPass ensures that 73% of the 80 most common passwords in 12345678 remain the same as 2021

Photo: Leon Neal/Getty Images

Password Manager NordPass revealed the list of the 80 most common keys used in the eastern United States 2022. The company indicated that the top of the list registered changes with respect to the previous year.

In this sense, they pointed out that the “guest” password was ranked as the most used password in the country, surpassing the classic “12345678 ”, which year after year ranks as one of the most used both in the United States and in the world.

The cybersecurity firm explained that, at least, in the case of 20 most used passwords it is evident that users do not follow the recommendations of experts in the area.

As a consequence of this situation, a good part of the passwords could be cracked in less than 1 second , which shows how little security they can provide to the user.

“Despite continuous warnings from cybersecurity experts about the consequences of irresponsible password management, Internet users continued with the same practices. Compared with the data of 2022, the 73% of the 200 most common passwords in 2022 are still the same. Also, 80% of the passwords on this year’s list can be cracked in less than a second”, refers to the NordPass report.

The information security company indicated that the behavior of American users in terms of the use of passwords is extremely similar to that of people in other parts of the world. They gave as an example the case of the password “guest”, which is at the top of the list in the United States.

This same key is also common in other countries as evidenced by the fact that it is the third most used in the UK and the fifth most used in Canada.

NordPass researchers also discovered that special cultural events such as sports, movies, and even brands can directly affect in the choice of passwords. Likewise, the fact of using the personal name as part of the password is a common practice that is repeated in most of the 20 countries evaluated.

Below is the list of the most used passwords in the United States:
1. guest2. 1234567893. password4. 2022

5. a1b2c36. 123456789
7. Password18. 8039. abc80 11. 123456789. QWERTY
11. baseball12. football16. unknown16. soccer16. Jordan23
16. iloveyou20. monkey20. shadow20. g_czechout
Safety Tips

In NordPass they point out that there are some behaviors that can help increase the security of passwords, so that they can be even more secure.

Enter Among them is the create passwords that are long enough to pose a real challenge to hackers. In the same way, they highlight the need to not repeat passwords on multiple platforms since this increases the probability that they will be discovered .

“Complicated combinations of numbers, uppercase letters, lowercase letters, and symbols create the strongest passwords. Reusing them is never an option: if one account is hacked, other accounts are at risk ”, they explain.

This may also interest you: – What benefits does a random password generator offer– Top 5 of the most used passwords in the world– What passwords should you avoid so that your data is not stolen