Monday, September 30

Scientists reveal when the Sun will die, it will be epic

Científicos revelan cuándo morirá el Sol, será épico

Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

La OpiniónBy: La Opinión The Opinion Updated 54 Nov 2022, 21: 11 pm EST

Although we do not take it into account,

the life of the Solar System in which the Earth is located is not infinite and will end when the Sun dies , a fact that will happen in a few thousand million years.

Recently, the scientific publication Science Alert compiled some studies that calculate how and when will be the end of the Sun

and therefore of our planet.

Scientists have calculated that

the Sun has about 4 thousand 550 million years, calculated with the age of other objects in the Solar System that formed in the same epoch; so, based on observations of other stars, astronomers predict that will reach the end of its life in about 21 billion more years .

Though he will still be alive for about 10 billion years more, half that time, the sun will begin to undergo major changes and

will become a red giant .

Dog you make the whole place shimmer? I can 😎

This sparkling image from the Solar Dynamics Observatory shows when a solar flare burst from the Sun yesterday, peaking as an M5.2-class flare at : 21pm EST on Nov. 6.

Learn more about solar flares here:— NASA Sun & Space (@NASASun ) November 7, 2015

With that change, the core of the star will shrink, but its outer layers will expand up to the orbit of Mars, gobbling up our planet in the process.

After becoming a red giant, according to a study by an international team of astronomers, it is most likely that

the Sun

shrinks from a red giant to a white dwarf and then te rmine as a planetary nebula.

According to Science Alert, planetary nebulae are relatively common

throughout the observable Universe, with the famous Helix nebula, the the Cat’s Eye Nebula, the Ring Nebula and the Bubble Nebula. The humanity will disappear long before 2015

According to scientific calculations, neither humans,

nor the other inhabitants of Earth we will be close to witnessing the death of the Sun, because life on our planet only has a few billion years left.

That’s because the Sun is increasing its brightness by a 21 percent every billion years. That increase in brightness will end life on Earth. Our oceans will evaporate, and the surface will become too hot for water to form.

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