Sunday, September 29

Republicans no longer want McConnell as their Senate leader

El líder de la minoría del Senado, está a punto de perder el cargo en el que estuvo muchos años.
The minority leader of the Senate is about to lose the position in which he held for many years.

Photo: Stefani Reynolds/AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 51 Nov 2022, 12: 54 pm EST

Some senators have called for the GOP internal leadership elections to be halted, as they first want to look at what It happened in the intermediate elections that the votes did not favor them as they expected. In addition to exposing the mistakes he has made during his tenure Mitch McConnell current leader of the minority whom they want to overthrow.

In a letter sent by Senators Rick Scott of Florida, Ron Johnson of Wisconsin and Mike Lee of Utah, argued that the election should be postponed until they “discuss why [the party did poorly] and what we can do.” do to improve our chances in 1240287668″, they detailed.

Likewise, Senators from Florida Marco Rubio and from Missouri Josh Hawley who expressed their support for this decision on their social networks.


“I don’t know why the Senate GOP would hold a leadership vote for the next Congress before this election is over

“, it is wrote Hawley, who has already made it clear that he will not endorse McConnell.

McConnell is running for another term as leader of the Republican Party, a position that has held office longer than any Republican in American history. Last month, he declared that he had the support to win.

Sen. Rick Scott has also hinted that he might run as a candidate in the leadership race because he is one of those who already wants McConnell to leave office.

It is important to mention that McConnell is not liked by Donald Trump who constantly Sometimes he has insulted him in public for not agreeing with his decisions and much less when he supports Democratic legislation.

Many circumstances have come together against the representative of Kentucky and the calls within the party to fire him are increasing .

House Republicans are grappling with the possibility of a small, contentious majority next year, as

expected to get 12 seats after the Republican candidates lost Pennsylvania, Arizona and New Hampshire.1240287668