Sunday, September 29

Verify Instagram and TikTok accounts: what steps you must follow and what are the requirements you have to meet

The verification of profiles in social networks has become relevant again after the chaos experienced on Twitter with the implementation of Twitter Blue and the proliferation of false profiles that have managed to be verified .

This special feature to be able to determine the authenticity of an account is not exclusive to Twitter as other platforms such as Instagram and TikTok also allow their users to verify their identity to obtain the blue check.

Below we explain the steps you must follow to verify your Instagram and TikTok accounts:


In the case of Instagram, its parent company called Meta, grants the verification check after evaluating whether the account meets certain minimum criteria , such as that it is of interest to the public of the platform and that complies with the rules of the platform.

To make the verification request, the user must enter their account from their mobile phone and access their profile. Once this is done, you have to press the button in the shape of three lines located in the upper right part of the screen , to then be able to access the configuration area.

After this, the user must press the button identified as “Account” and then do the same with the “Request verification” button .

From this point you will have to provide the personal information requested by the platform. This includes your full name, an image of your identification document, fill out a form in which you establish what type of content you post on your account, your country of origin, among others .

Once all this is done Meta will be in charge of reviewing the information and then will contact the user, either to inform them that their request was approved, or otherwise does not meet the requirements.


TikTok for its part takes into consideration similar factors such as whether the account is active, posts original content and is unique in the eyes of the public.

“The main purpose of verification is to let users know that the featured accounts they follow are exactly who they say they are ”, they say from the social network.

Something that also helps an account to be selected for verification has to do with the number of followers of the user and the impressions that said account generates . This means that the more viral videos a user has and therefore the more recognized they are, the more likely they will be verified.

Something that differs TikTok with respect to other platforms such as Instagram and Twitter is that it does not have a system that allows the user to process the verification . Therefore, this will only come if from TikTok they consider that an account deserves it.

This too It may interest you: – They promise to verify Twitter accounts and it’s a scam: how this method works to steal money– Twitter: how to make the payment verification process – Twitter will launch new verification check for a select group of users