Monday, September 30

What are the 4 most unsympathetic signs of the zodiac

Being unsympathetic means not liking or rejecting someone or something, and according to astrology, the signs of the zodiac predict how markedly we have this tendency. While there are signs that are sensitive to the feelings of others, others do not have any tact, that is, they do not touch their hearts to express things as they think .

The characteristics of antipathy in the signs can be found in their exterior personality , which they show towards others. Inside, the less empathetic signs are sympathetic and understand the pain of others, but for some reason that astrology helps us discover, they prefer to show their less kind and rude side.

If you have felt sympathy for others, but something prevents you from expressing empathy, it is probably the responsibility of the stars. Next, we tell you which signs are the most unfriendly of the zodiac .


Due to his introverted personality, he is the winner of the title of the most unfriendly signs of the Zodiac. A Scorpio is reserved to show feelings , for this reason he is not usually empathetic with others. He is distrustful and although he does not do it with bad intentions, in the eyes of others he has an unpleasant personality, according to in an article.

Read: The 3 different types of Scorpio: find out which one you belong to


Aries are bold, impulsive and cheeky. When something bothers them they are direct , they don’t mince words to say what they think. They have so much self-confidence that they seem to be scolding everyone, which is why their sympathy level is very low.

Lee: Aries as an ex-partner: what are they like


Sagittarius is known for his frankness, a way of being that can hurt others. If he disagrees with you about something, he says it with harsh words, and it is that his philosophy of life is to practice sincere love, even if it hurts sometimes.

Lee: The type of Sagittarius What are you, according to your date of birth


A Gemini is difficult to decipher. His personality is unpredictable and you don’t know how he’s going to react to something. The only sure thing is that will say what comes to mind instantly , although sometimes it is not the right place or time.

Look: Gemini, Virgo Sagittarius and Pisces: the reasons why they are the mutable signs of the Zodiac

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