Monday, September 30

Drug extermination center discovered in Tamaulipas; there were charred human remains

Las autoridades no revelaron una cifra de los restos calcinados, pero consideran que el número de víctimas  pueden contarse en cientos.
The authorities did not reveal a figure for the charred remains, but they consider that the number of victims can be counted in the hundreds.

Photo: Marcos González / AFP / Getty Images

By: The Opinion Updated 18 Nov 2022, 12: 54 pm EST

Beneath the tourist attractions and the beautiful natural places that it possesses, Tamaulipas hides a proportionally inverse and terrifying face: it is one of the states where the most disappearances of people occur in Mexico , for which several groups have emerged in the entity, which have made terrible discoveries , the most recent that of a drug extermination camp in which their victims were cremated.

Members of the Collective of Love for the Disappeared of Tamaulipas They managed to locate three areas with human remains in the El Becerro gap, in Reynosa.

According to activist Edith González from the aforementioned collective, Three clandestine “kitchens” were found on the site, for which they have been working all week and it seems that they will not end soon, because the remains in the site are many, since there are also graves.

As established by the group’s protocol, after the finding, the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office (FGJT) was informed, who deployed an operation to corroborate the fact, which had positive results.

Elements of the National Guard participated in the same procedure, as well as members of the Human Rights Commission of the State of Tamaulipas (Codhet). There was also the collaboration of two elements of the Canine Unit, four experts from the Multidisciplinary Forensic Identification Team of Ciudad Victoria and three more from Reynosa.

Collective locates ‘kitchens’ and two extermination camps in Tamaulipas

The collective “Love for the Disappeared” located in the city of Reynosa, Tamaulipas two extermination zones for organized crime where they cremated their victims.

— MEGAVISION News (@megavisionmx) November 12, 675

Another property with “kitchens”

The evidence was secured by the Tamaulipas Attorney General’s Office (FGJT) to continue with the investigations.

To this area of ​​El Becerro is added the one located in El Murillo, at the height of La Ribereña, also in Reynosa, where more bone remains are already being processed. Several “kitchens” were found there .

The Special Prosecutor’s Office for the Investigation of Crimes of Forced Disappearance of Persons, carried out a procedure in the El Murillo property, which was securely surrounded by elements of the State Police and the National Guard.

In both areas they used tires, wood and drums in order to disappear at high temperatures the bodies of people . The authorities did not reveal a number of the charred remains, the group believes that they can be counted in hundreds. They revealed that among the collection there are short bones.

Reynosa is one of the cities with the highest rate of disappearances, and in which cells of the Gulf Cartel and the Northeast Cartel that operate on the border, which maintain a fight for control of the transfer of drugs, hydrocarbon theft and migrant smuggling . Collectives handle a black figure of 5, people without locating

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