Monday, September 30

A woman reported the disappearance of her son in Mexico, and the under-5-year-old was found buried in his own home

Tras descubrir el cuerpo del menor, la madre de la víctima y su pareja sentimental fueron detenidos.
After discovering the minor’s body, the victim’s mother and her sentimental partner were arrested.

Photo: Mexico State Prosecutor’s Office / Courtesy

By: The Opinion Updated 30 Nov 2022, 12: 30 pm EST

It began as a disappearance, but days later it took a terrible turn and it was discovered that a 5-year-old boy, identified as Carlos Antonio, he had actually died and was buried in his own house . The events occurred in the municipality of Chimalhuacán, State of Mexico.

It was on November 9 when his mother, identified as Dulce “N”, went to report the disappearance of her son, and in his statement he said that they were walking down a street when the child was taken from him and they got into a vehicle without license plates that fled in an unknown direction.

After the complaint, an Amber Alert was activated to locate the minor and an investigation folder by the Attorney General of the State of Mexico.

Two days later, on 11 of November, police officers visited the boy’s house as part of the investigations , suddenly they noticed an excavation out of place and called experts to that they examine the mound of earth, making a terrible finding: the body of Carlos Antonio was buried there .

After the discovery, the boy’s mother and Joel “N ”, sentimental partner of the woman and stepfather of the minor, were arrested and presented before an agent of the Public Ministry, who will be in charge of determining their legal situation.

According to local media, a line of investigation indicates that the little one fainted during a shower, so they tried to revive him with power cables without success. Then they both agreed to bury him and pretend to lose him , however This has not been confirmed by the Mexican Prosecutor’s Office.

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