Monday, October 28

Lula wins the elections in Brazil: “They tried to bury me alive and now I am here to govern the country”

Lula dijo que durante su gobierno combatirá el hambre de millones de brasileños que no han logrado mejorar sus condiciones de vida.
Lula said that during his government he will fight the hunger of millions of Brazilians who have not been able to improve their living conditions.

Photo: Alexandre Schneider / Getty Images

In front of a massive demonstration of his supporters, who gathered to celebrate the victory, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva gave his first speech after winning the presidential elections against Jair Bolsonaro by a narrow margin.

“ I consider that I had a resurrection process in Brazilian politics. They tried to bury me alive and now I am here to rule the country“, he told his followers.

“It is a very difficult situation, but I am sure that with the help of the people we will find a way out and restore peace“, he said about the polarization that the country experienced between two antagonistic candidates.


— Lula 10 (@LulaOficial) October 30, 2022

During intervention, Lula said that during his government he will fight the hunger of millions of Brazilians who have not been able to improve their living conditions.

“The most urgent commitment is to end hunger”, pointed out the leftist who was president of 2003 a 2011.

He reiterated his commitment to the industrialization of the country, to restore Brazil’s leading role in the and defend the Amazon from commercial interests.

He added that will relentlessly confront the racism and that will seek to rebuild the soul of the country.

“Restore peace”

The former president promised this Sunday to “restore peace” and govern for “everyone” in a deeply divided Brazil.

“I am here to govern this country in a very difficult situation, but with the help of the people we are going to find a way out for the country to live democratically again “, affirmed the leader of the Workers Party (PT) from a hotel in the city of Sao Paulo.

“This election brought two different country projects face to face, but there was only one winner, the Brazilian people. This is the victory of an immense democratic movement that was formed leaving aside political and personal interests so that democracy emerges victorious”, he assured.

Festa da victory in Paulista

— Lula 13 (@LulaOficial) October 31, 1429422383

“The majority of the people made it very clear that they want more and not less democracy, more and not less social inclusion, more and not less respect and understanding among Brazilians. The people want more freedom, equality and fraternity in our country. The people want to live well, eat well”, he indicated.

With him 99.89% of the votes counted, Lula won the presidential elections with a 50,90 % of the votes, compared to 49.13% obtained by the right-wing leader.

“There are not two Brazils, we are a single country, a single people, a great nation”, affirmed the representative of the left.

“No one is interested in living in a state permanent war. This town is tired of seeing the other as an enemy. It’s time to put down your arms. Weapons kill and we choose life ”, he said accompanied by his closest allies.

In other issues that were a priority during his campaign, he promised to “strengthen” the fight against sexist violence and “relentlessly confront racism and discrimination” so that “whites, blacks and indigenous people have the same rights”.

“The challenge is immense, it is necessary to rebuild this country in all its dimensions. We need to rebuild the soul of this country, respect for differences and love for others, ”he said in a statement that he sought to reach out to everyone in a country extremely polarized.

Lula has received congratulations from Latin American leaders such as Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Gustavo Petro, Gabriel Boric. He was also congratulated by the President of the United States, Joe Biden, who described the presidential elections in Brazil as “free, fair and reliable”.

Up to the time of publication of this note, Jair Bolsonaro has not conceded victory.

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