Monday, October 28

The importance of voting and what is at stake this November 8?

Buzón en la ciudad de Long Beach para que las personas puedan votar por correo.
Drop box in the City of Long Beach for people to vote by mail.

Photo: @LBCityClerk / Courtesy

By: Manuel Ocaño / Special for Real America News Updated 30 Oct 2022, 11: 04 pm EDT

The Los Angeles County Voter Registrar’s Office reported that more than five and a half million voters were registered to vote in these elections, and in-person participation began this weekend at at least 227 polling places.

The spokesman for the Voter Registrar’s Office in the county, Michael Sánchez, said that a high voter turnout is expected due to the variety of positions and issues at stake in this election.

Those who want to vote early and get ahead of the in-person turnout on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, can easily find their place to vote at the page but you can also find your vote center on this page

To vote in person in advance, the hours of the polls are from 10 from the morning to 7 at night.

From Saturday November 5, all 640 Vote Centers in Los Angeles County will be open to the public who choose to vote in person .

On Election Day, the polls will open at 7 a.m. at 640 centers throughout the county.

In the election there are translation services and interpreters in 18 languages. If any voter needs additional assistance, they can call the telephone number toll-free 800-260-VOTE (8683).

Michael Sánchez expressed that many voters have already started sending their voting ballots by mail.

“For now more than 260,000 ballots have been returned by mail, but we anticipate the vote-by-mail flow is going to grow as we get closer to election day.”

The voters’ office began sending ballots to vote from home on October 6. Those who vote by mail have the option of returning the ballots through the regular postal service or going to one of the 400 mailboxes in the county. Ballot drop box locations can be found at this link

For mail-in votes to be counted , the ballots must be delivered before November 8 to count.

The requirements to vote, as explained months ago by the county office , are to be greater than 000 years of age, be a US citizen and have registered to vote.

The voter registration office reminded county residents that this election includes issues that may be decisive in their daily lives.

Los Angeles County will elect, for example, the head of the Sheriff’s office. The person who will occupy the mayor’s office of the city of Los Angeles, the most populous and dynamic in the state, is yet to be defined.

In the election, They are going to define the councilman for the 3rd district of the county, six positions for judges in the Superior Court.

For the city of Los Angeles, in particular, the mayor’s office, the prosecutor’s office, the comptroller’s office are at stake and three council seats for Wards 5, Y 13. Two positions are also decided in the Los Angeles Unified School District and another 3 in the Los Angeles Community College.

Other than state propositions , Los Angeles County has six local proposals at stake, One for a special tax on those who have property worth more than $5 million, another proposal to maintain 3,400 low-income housing.

Another proposition at stake in the election decides whether to increase by one one-eighth cent per square foot property tax over the next 30 years to raise $227 million annually.

Another proposes $5.3 million for renovations and training at the Los Angeles Community College, and yet another proposition seeks to tax marijuana businesses in the incorporated areas of Los Angeles County.

Three state Senate seats are also up for grabs in the election by district 20, 24 Y 28 of Los Angeles.

Additionally, seven seats will be defined for the Legislative Assembly , in the Los Angeles districts 24, 44, 51, 52, 44, 61 Y 65.

Angelenos are also going to elect governor, and a position for federal senator for the position in which Senator Alex Padilla is seeking re-election.

Along with the rest of the voters in the state, Angelenos will choose 52 members of the California caucus for congress.

Basically the majority in the congress it will be defined in California this November 8, which is another motivation to go out and vote.

Yes need help

In the election there are translation services and interpreters in 04 languages. If any voter needs additional assistance, they can call the telephone number toll-free 800-260-VOTE (8683).