Friday, September 20

Woman's body found in clothing donation box in Santa Clarita

Por el momento se desconoce cómo la mujer ni se dio a conocer su identidad.
At the moment it is unknown how the woman did not reveal her identity.

Photo: Scott Olson / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 06 Oct 2022, 16: 47 pm EDT

The body of a woman was found in a donation box in Santa Clarita Thursday morning, although the circumstances surrounding his death are unknown.

De According to the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department, the incident was reported just before 10 am near the intersection of Orchard Village and Lyons Avenue.

The Los Angeles County Fire Department made the discovery after responding to a medical call at Orchard Village Road and Lyons Ave. The collection box is located near the rear of a CVS.

The woman, who is believed to have some 60 years old, was pronounced dead at the scene. The authorities suspect that she may have gotten there on her own and that she may have been involved in some kind of industrial accident.

However, the official cause of death will be determined by the Office of the Medical Examiner of the Los Angeles County.

It is unknown how long the woman at the donation box. Your name has not been published.

According to crime rates in Santa Clarita, the area is classified as a low general risk, with low crime statistics, however, the authorities mentioned that they will move forward with the investigation, before having new information on the case.

However, this news is given in a context of mass hysteria in California, then of the murder of a family of four people, including an 8-month-old baby, in the city of Merced.

In addition to the case of an alleged serial killer and the investigation of seven cases; six serial murders in Stockton and one attempted murder.

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