Thursday, September 19

Ted Cruz predicts there will be a Republican “tsunami” in the November vote

Ted Cruz está seguro que los votantes le darán su apoyo a los republicanos en las elecciones intermedias.
Ted Cruz is confident that voters will support the Republicans in the midterm elections.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

Senator Ted Cruz predicts that there will be a Republican victory in the elections of mid-term that will take place on November 8, during an interview where with his very particular style he expressed, “I think it’s going to be a tsunami”, referring to the large number of votes they will receive.

Republican Cruz began a tour of 17 states of the country in support of the Republican candidates who are campaigning one month before the elections. During an interview from Arizona with FOX News, he was questioned about the voting.

“I think we are going to have an electoral wave. I think it’s going to be a tsunami. It’s a game changing election, and I couldn’t be more excited,” he told Primetime’s Jesse Watters.

According to your statements, In addition to predicting that they will obtain a majority in Congress, he also revealed that this year “will look a lot like 2010, when the rise of the Tea Party movement gave way to a takeover of Congress by the Republicans in repudiation of the Obama years.”

The senator was in Arizona promoting the campaign of gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake and Senate candidate Blake Masters, where he invited voters to join the tour along with him and the Republicans, which are supported by Donald Trump.

“The attendees at the rallies will be very excited and excited about the prospects of the Parti do Republican”, expressed the senator.

Ted Cruz argued that the Democrats are focused on abortion, because he cannot talk about another problem that affects the country, since it was caused by them and he stressed that for these reasons his candidates have the right as their first issue to abortion.

“The economy has gone to shit under Biden”

“What would you talk about? You couldn’t talk about the economy because the economy has gone to shit under Biden. They can’t talk about inflation because the price of everything has gone up. Gasoline is more than double” , Cruz bluntly pointed out.

He also pointed out: “Mortgages are three times higher. They can’t talk about crime because murder rates are skyrocketing across the country. Certainly, they cannot talk about illegal immigration, and if you try to talk about foreign policy, Biden’s surrender to the Taliban is a failure.”

After giving an explanation of why the Democrats run their election campaigns with a flag theme, Senator Cruz added that after the revocation of Roe vs. Wade the states will regulate the laws regarding reproductive medicine and according to the opinion, the values ​​of the people will be reflected in the vote.

“So they [the Democrats] stuck with abortion and are trying to make it all about abortion. And the crazy thing about this is that the Supreme Court has returned that issue to the voters. So now each state will decide the abortion laws in their states. The laws will reflect the values ​​of its citizens. It is democracy”, he shared with the same media outlet.

Photo: Brandon Bell/Getty Images

Regarding the issue of abortion, which has had a great impact in the United States, the Democrats raise their voices to help women with reproductive medicine alternatives, including the Biden administration.

Republicans have looked for ways to expose their views against abortion and describe themselves as pro-life, although they are currently suffering from a great problem with the candidate Herschel Walker who said he was against the interruption of pregnancy, but it was shown that he paid for an abortion for one of his ex-partners.

Senator Ted Cruz will have a tour that began on October 1 and ends on November 4, just a few days s before the midterms, during that tour he will power more than two dozen contenders, some of them participating in high-profile state races.

Some of the states he will visit during the tour are: Arizona, Iowa, New Hampshire and Nevada, which will host the first contests on the Republican Party’s presidential nomination calendar.