Saturday, September 21

Abbott leads O'Rourke in preferences heading into Texas election, polls show

El demócrata Beto O'Rourke y el republicano Greg Abbott.
Democrat Beto O’Rourke and Republican Greg Abbott.

Photo: Brandon Bell/ / Getty Images

Less than 50 days before the election for governor of Texas, the current president, Greg Abbott, has an advantage of eight points over his Democratic challenger Beto O’Rourke, a new Emerson College Polling/The Hill poll revealed.

The results released on Tuesday show that the 50 percent of Texas voters said they supported the Republican, while the 38 percent leaned towards O’Rourke.

There are 5 percent of voters who are undecided, and 2 percent supported the libertarian Mark Tippetts.

This exercise also showed that the 52 percent of voters expect Abbott to win re-election next imo November 8, while the 37 percent would like to see O’Rourke as governor.

In addition, the 55 percent of voters say they have a favorable opinion of Abbott, while the 43 percent said they had a negative opinion of him. Regarding O’Rourk, 44 percent responded that they have a favorable opinion and 52 percent have a negative opinion of the Democrat.

A few months ago, ahead of the Texas primary in March, Emerson College/The Hill released another poll on the state governor’s race, and at the time, Abbott outscored O’Rourke by 52 percent to 45 percent.

The one from Emerson College/The Hill is not the only poll that gives the Republican an advantage.

The Dallas The Morning News and the University of Texas at Tyler released a poll Monday, reflecting support from the 47 percent of the electorate for Abbott and one 38 percent for the Democrat.

In addition, Abbott leads O’Rourke by 8 points in Real Clear Politics polling average.

Both applicants will debate on Friday for the first and only time. So far, according to the polls, it appears that Abbott is in a safe position heading into the next state election.

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