Saturday, September 21

The 3 zodiac signs that will start October with a new love

If you are one of these 3 zodiac signs, get ready because October will be a very romantic month. An astrological aspect that will occur on 29 of September will put in the path of these signs a person with whom they will quickly fall in love and begin a relationship.

The Moon will make a sextile with Mercury and will be responsible for the acceleration of our pulsations . This transit will make emotions go faster than expected, which is very helpful when we want to quickly achieve certain goals. If you notice that you achieve a goal sooner than you expected, this is the reason.

However, for the following signs, life will put them on the path to ideal person, so it is very likely that they will start October involved in a new relationship that could be for life, as revealed by in an article.


The born of 21 from May to 20 in June will find someone with whom they would be interested in forming a long-term relationship, as long as both are single. That person will like you a lot, because he will meet most of your requirements and your heart will beat very fast in his presence.

If you are in a relationship, you will notice that things will speed up and there will be commitments soon or your goals will be met sooner rather than later. The astrologers’ suggestion is to be open and give yourself the opportunity.


The light will illuminate the person in whom those born from June 21 to 22 of July will put all their attention. They will fall so deeply in love that they will lose all fear and forget the ravages of past relationships.

The only thing that will concern them is to get closer to that person and see what their interests are. The stars are on your side, so you’ll have to trust your instincts.


People born from September 23 to October 22 will be surprised by the way they will fall in love with someone special. It will be a completely new love, unknown or at least they had not noticed, which will seem to have always been waiting for them.

It is likely that things will go very fast and both will want to share a future together . Although they must go carefully, the stars predict that everything will go well.

Te may interest:
– The 4 zodiac women who most dream of finding “the ideal man”
– Venus moves to Libra and will make us more charming: how to take advantage of it
– Which signs will have the best and worst week from 26 from September to October 2