Friday, September 20

VIDEO: They capture heavily armed hitmen during a musical event in Sinaloa

Los pistoleros estaban apostados alrededor del escenario, debido a que, al parecer, un mando de relevancia del Cártel de Sinaloa se encontraba celebrando en ese lugar.
The gunmen were stationed around the stage, because, apparently, a relevant commander of the Sinaloa Cartel was celebrating on that stage. place.

Photo: Twitter/@blogdelnarcomex / Courtesy

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 28 Sep 2022, 04: 45 am EDT

The impunity with which the drug cartels operate in various regions of Mexico, allows their members to mingle with society like any civilian, including public events or popular festivals.

This recently occurred in the municipality of Cosalá, Sinaloa, where several heavily armed men attended the “Cosalazo ” , a musical event that takes place every year in that area.

The hitmen of the Sinaloa Cartel were seen with high-powered rifles and pistols, dressed in camouflage clothing and wearing caps with the initials of JGL, which refer to Joaquín Guzmán Loera, alias “El Chapo” and former leader of that criminal organization.

Some of the attendees recorded moments of the dance where the gunmen can be seen , and later the images were shared on social networks.

Furthermore, in the Various artists participated in the event, some of whom performed songs dedicated to Chapo Guzmán and his son Ovidio Guzmán López, alias “El Ratón”.

According to local media reports, the gunmen were stationed around the stage because, apparently, a relevant commander of the Sinaloa Cartel was celebrating in that place .

In addition, it was reported that no public security authority, the National Guard or the Army were present during the Cosalazo festivities.

Similarly, it transpired that although this event took place last weekend, the internet signal would have been cut and resumed just on Tuesday, so until now images appear on social networks ales about this fact.

Since he took office the Municipal President of Cosalá, Carla Ursula Corrales Corrales, has been related to drug traffickers. The actress Kate del Castillo, aged 49 met five years ago in this region, and actor Sean Penn, from 62, with Chapo Guzmán.

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