Thursday, September 19

Why flu symptoms can mimic heart health problems

Los problemas cardíacos ocurren en el músculo cardíaco que no recibe suficiente sangre.
Heart problems occur in the heart muscle that does not get enough blood.

Photo: Bacho / Shutterstock

Ambar Román

People may not know it, but there are some common flu symptoms that can resemble a heart attack, such as nausea, vomiting, lightheadedness, cold sweat and fatigue.

According to Dr. Narayan Gadkar, a cardiologist at Zen Multispeciality Hospital, although there is no connection between a heart attack and the flu, these two disorders have several common symptoms.


In interview for HealthShots the specialist explains that in the case of nausea, other gastrointestinal problems also occur when one is found to have the flu. But also there may be other symptoms such as high fever, headaches, muscle aches, cough, sore throat and tiredness.

Before any treatment, Gadkar indicates that it is better to know the underlying cause of nausea or vomiting rather than rule it out without any treatment.

Lightheadedness and dizziness

These, accompanied by constant headaches, are also the warning signs of a heart attack or stroke. That is why it is ideal to be vigilant when it comes to your health and only seek timely intervention if you experience these symptoms on a regular basis.

Cold sweats

Cold sweats are mainly caused by emotional causes, such as feel fear, stress, shock, anxiety or nervousness and is one of the potential symptoms of a heart attack.

According to Gadkar, if you feel better in a few days, it must be the flu. However, if cold sweats are becoming a daily issue, you should see your doctor.


One may feel exhausted or fatigued due to the extra pressure on the heart, especially as it works harder to pump blood.

Excessive fatigue is one of the first symptoms of the flu, so it is important to be aware of this sign.

Dr. Gadkar says: “It is safe to say that there is no association between the flu and heart problems. You should know that the flu is a viral infection that tends to affect your respiratory system, that is, the nose, throat and lungs. Also, heart problems occur in the heart muscle that doesn’t get enough blood. But there are some symptoms that can be considered the flu but can turn into heart attacks”.

Within the great recommendations to keep heart disease away , recommend eating a healthy diet that is rich in vitamins, iron, minerals, and vegetables and low in calories.

This can help reduce cholesterol, lower blood pressure and reduce inflammation. The doctor also explains that a sedentary lifestyle is the greatest risk for the heart and that it is ideal to exercise regularly to strengthen your heart.

For another recipe quit smoking in case of those who smoke , sleep well and keep your stress under control.

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