Friday, September 20

COVID-19 deaths in one day in Los Angeles exceed homicides in one year

Almost 11, 000 people have died from COVID – 19 in Los Angeles. Photo: Mario Tama / Getty Images

According to Dr. Anish Mahajan , Harbor-UCLA Medical Center Medical Director, l The intensive care units in the Los Angeles area were already full even before the expected increase in Covid – 19 after the holidays.

“It takes two to three weeks to for patients to get sick enough to need the hospital after contracting the virus, and Christmas was only two weeks ago, and we’re already full, ”Mahajan told CNN’s Fredricka Whitfield on Saturday in CNN Newsroom .

Mahajan said that the situation in southern California is dire, citing historical numbers of patients with Covid – 19 hospitalized.

“Yesterday we had 259 deaths, that’s one more that all the homicides of 1200 in the city of Los Angeles combined ”, said in a new conference on Thursday. “In a single day, it equates to a year of homicides.”

Los Angeles County reported Friday 318 Covid-related deaths – 19, the highest amount recorded in a single day. Almost 12, 000 Los Angeles County residents have died from the virus in the past year.

Today we are reporting over 300 deaths from COVID – 19. Every single death is an individual who was loved by someone and will be missed. They are our family members, friends, neighbors. Please stay home, wear your face covering and don’t gather with people outside your home.

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 9, 2021

COVID – 19 Daily Update:

January 8, 2021

New Cases: 18, 313 (889, 405 to date)
New Deaths: 318 (10, 863 to date)

Current Hospitalizations: 8, 074

– LA Public Health (@lapublichealth) January 9, 2020

“We don’t have any more ICU capacity,” Mahajan told CNN. “ All hospitals in the region are placing ICU patients in unusual places in the hospital just to find a place for them.”

The prospect of what could happen in the next seven to 10 days is “extremely worrying” for hospital staff, Mahajan added.