Friday, September 20

How to know if your baby's first teeth are coming in

The opinion


Teething is the period of growth of teeth through the gums that babies and young children experience.

It is usually a slow and extensive process that each baby (and also the parents) experience in different ways, although it is usually characterized by discomfort, pain and discomfort.

Here we tell you how to know when the baby’s first teeth are coming in and we share the advice of the professionals to get through this stage in the best way.

The growth of the first teeth or the beginning of teething is usually between 6 and 8 months of age of the baby. The 20 temporary teeth should be present in place around months.

What dangers hide the gums Generally, the appearance of teeth occurs as follows:

First to appear : lower front teeth (or lower incisors). Seconds to appear : upper front teeth (or upper incisors). Latest appear : lower and higher moral, moral canines and lateral inferior and superior. Symptoms of the first teeth During the long way from teething, the youngest may present the following symptoms:

Drool excessively. Cry without anything being able to calm them. Biting or chewing hard objects. Be irritable and uncomfortable. Suffering from inflammation or sensitivity of the gums. Have red and swollen gums. Have red and hot cheeks. Have a poor appetite or refuse food. Having trouble sleeping or waking up often. Important : although it is often heard or read that teething may be responsible for fevers or diarrhea , experts point out that this is not true. If the baby presents these symptoms, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible to identify the true cause.

How to relieve teething pain

The discomfort that causing the first teeth to erupt can not only irritate the baby but also distress the parents. Try these options to calm your teething:

Add fluoride to the baby’s diet. This is a mineral that helps prevent tooth decay and strengthens enamel, in addition, it is very easy to incorporate since it is usually found in running water. You can consult an expert to find out if that is the case with your water, otherwise health professionals may recommend specific supplements. Give your baby a cold (not frozen) object to chew on, such as apple or yogurt. You can also get teethers. Clean the baby’s face with a cloth to remove excess drool and prevent rashes . Massage the baby’s swollen gums to help soothe the pain. You can do it with a clean hand (finger or knuckles) or with clean, damp and cold cloths or gauze. You can also use solid teething rings (it is advised to avoid the ones with liquid inside). Don’t forget the darling! Pampering, cuddling, and distracting fussy teething babies is a great way for them to forget about pain, at least for a while. What not to do to relieve the pain As we saw, many actions can help to make teething more bearable for the baby. However, other practices, often deeply rooted by family tradition, are not only not beneficial, but can also be dangerous:

Do not tie any teething objects around the baby’s neck. Do not place anything frozen against the baby’s gums. Do not cut or Damage the gums to facilitate tooth exit. Do not rub alcohol on the gums of the baby. Do not give baby aspirin to relieve teething. Do not use teething powder. Do not use homeopathic remedies. Although traditional medicine highlights the soothing properties of many home remedies, such as chamomile or belladonna, you don’t know how your baby can react to these herbs. Do not use teething tablets. Do not use gels with benzocaine . These products are often marketed to relieve teething pain, however, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) noted that benzocaine can cause life-threatening breathing problems, especially in those younger than 2 years old. Once the child has teeth, you must brush two times a day with little fluoride toothpaste (the size of a grain of rice is calculated). To comply with these measures there are specific toothbrushes.

It is important to make the first visit to the dentist once the first teeth appear.

To remind: Teething or eruption of the first teeth is a slow and long period, which is usually characterized by discomfort, pain and discomfort for the baby, as well as confusion and anguish for parents.

Its main symptoms are drooling excessively, crying more than usual, biting and chewing often, being irritable, having a poor appetite, or refusing food and having problems sleeping, among other signs.

You can alleviate this situation by gently massaging your finger or knuckle and giving it cold objects to chew on.

It is also important to take care of oral and general cleaning (since excess drool can cause a rash) and take into account the presence of fluoride in the diet so that the teeth develop correctly.

Try to avoid all kinds of home remedies, gum interventions, or the use of certain teething products, such as tablets or gels with benzocaine, since They can be counterproductive and dangerous.

It is important to make the first visit to the dentist once the first teeth appear.

Sources consulted: American Academy of Pediatrics, US National Library of Medicine, Mayo Clinic, National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development.

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