Friday, September 20

Learn why Kia entered the Guinness Book of World Records

Kia lit up the Seoul sky with 303 “Pyrodrones”. Photo: Aleksandar Pasaric / Pexels

The Korean manufacturer Kia held a spectacular event in Seoul, South Korea , to present its new image and global slogan of the brand.

According to information from Car and Driver , this presentation put Kia in the Guinness Book of Records World Cups for their pyrotechnic demonstration that brought together 303 “pyrodrones” , managers to launch hundreds of fireworks in an artistic display synchronized .

Kia lights up the sky with pyrodrones to unveil the new logo.

– Kia UK (@KiaUK) January 6, 2021

The record obtained by the brand was defined as “the Major launch of fireworks by UAVs of form synchronized ”.

The event served as a framework to announce their new logo of upward traits with which Kia seeks to represent the brand’s evolution goals, as well as its global slogan : ‘Movement that inspires ‘.

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