Monday, September 23

What to do after overeating to feel better

After overeating you may feel so bad that you will want to go to bed; don’t lie down, instead choose to stimulate your digestion

Qué hacer luego de comer en exceso para sentirse mejor
Eat excessively , quickly and greasy foods, can cause bloating.

Photo: Horizon Content / Pexels

It is normal that after a meal in excess you can feel bloated, heavy, gassy and very uncomfortable. Especially if you consumed a lot of fat, carbonated drinks, and ate too quickly. What to do to reduce discomfort after a binge?

Do not go to bed

If you lie down with a full stomach, Food can rise again and cause heartburn. Going to bed can slow digestion and make gastroesophageal reflux (GERD) worse. According to Mayo Clinic , the common symptom of GERD is a burning sensation in the chest (heartburn),


Burping a little can give you some relief by expelling some of the gas. The gases in the digestive tract can cause inflammation and sometimes abdominal pain. Swallowed air, which does not leave your stomach when you burp, moves into your intestine and comes out as flatulence.

From according to National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases , you may have more gas in the digestive tract if you swallow a lot of air when eating or consume certain food or beverages, including soft drinks.

Walk a bit

Walk a little after eating It can reduce gas build-up , which contributes to bloating. Walking can also help empty the stomach faster as published Medical News Today.

After about 3 or 4 hours you can do more exercise if you want to burn part of the extra calories you ate, reactivate your metabolism and prevent constipation.

Avoiding future binges

If you have exceeded, you may want to avoid doing it in your next meal. If you still have plenty of tasty food, divide it into individual servings.

If you ate out, try not to bring more temptations that you will not be able to resist. Plan your meals and prepare them in advance.

In the future, eat slowly, chew your food well, this will help feel satisfied without overeating. Penn Medicine explains that the brain takes 20 minutes to register fullness.

Eating too fast not only makes you overeat, by eating and drinking too fast you swallow more air and thus have more gas, causing you to feel pressure and bloating after eating. Cutting the food into smaller pieces and using a smaller spoon will help you eat more slowly.

Drink water, before and during meals. Water also helps increase the volume of your meals and feel satisfied. It is also necessary to avoid constipation.

Limit carbonated drinks .

Soft drinks, beer and other carbonated beverages have carbon dioxide gas. These drinks can cause bloating in your gut.

Avoid excess salt. Consuming too much salt causes water retention, which can cause bloating.

Avoid excess fat. Foods with unhealthy fats such as fried foods slow down digestion.

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