Sunday, September 22

Romina Marcos enters the operating room to remove the breast implants and tells how she lived the process

The decision to remove the implants came after lowering more than 20 kilos, so your body began to present some discomfort

Romina Marcos entra a quirófano para retirarse los implantes de senos y narra cómo vivió el proceso
Romina Marcos.

Photo: Mezcalent.

The actress Romina Marcos , daughter of the controversial star Niurka Marcos , joins the list of celebrities who decided to undergo surgery to remove breast implants, so he shared it in her social networks.

Through her official Instagram account, the young actress shared that the past 17 of February entered the operating room again, but this time to reverse the cosmetic surgery that was performed five years ago to increase the size of her bust.

The decision came after dropping more than 25 kilos, so his body began to present some discomfort derived from the bad surgeries that he performed in the past, as confirmed mó his doctor, who explained in detail that Romina was the victim of a bad practice.

A lot of volume was put in a small body, the implants are in different planes. One is behind the muscle, the other is behind the mammary gland and that from the outset makes it look different “, he detailed the specialist in the most recent video published on the YouTube channel of the also singer.

Before entering the operating room, the doctor shared what it would consist of surgery: “ The idea is to remove those implants, it will keep its tissue and we will make implants with its own gland breast so that it looks spectacular without the need to feel the discomfort of the implants “.

The actress of 25 years shared her case with the aim of inspiring other women to take care of their health and prioritize the comfort of their body before look good just to meet a fashion.

I’m a little nervous, but happiness is greater and tranquility too “, said the sister of Emilio Osorio , who repeatedly dared to show off her voluptuous curves with daring garments.

One day after the surgery, the Cuban said she was distressed by the health of her daughter, who to her 20 years had to face the painful process of the surgery to which she underwent and unlike this time, he could not be with her during recovery.

He had a rather demanding recovery, he had to be the first 48 hours without moving. I am extremely anguished and with a great deal of conscience, because on that occasion, five years ago when she was operated on, I had scheduled the operation hand in hand with her, which was like a gift to her for her 20 years, and I had to leave and I was left with anguish. For both of them it was a challenge, a support and a peace of mind to be together right now “. Narrated for the program ‘De Primera Mano’.