Sunday, September 22

Photo of exhausted Domino's workers in Texas goes viral

Screaming customers and worker burnout; Viral photo of Domino’s employee during freezing Texas weather

Foto de trabajadoras de Domino’s exhaustas en Texas se hace viral
“These it’s us when we run out of food, “wrote July DeLuna in the photo.

Photo: July DeLuna / Facebook / Courtesy

Between the freezing weather and the power cuts in Texas, fast food was one of the alternatives to eat. In the midst of this chaos, the employees of these restaurants faced a really exhausting work and the screams of customers , as described by a photograph taken at a Domino’s Pizza in San Antonio that went viral.

Weekend supplies sold out in 4 hours

The photo shared on Facebook by July DeLuna in the past 12 February, shows a couple of female employees of Domino’s sold out after the emergency, had a period of receiving “countless” orders and wipe out all supplies for a purpose a week in just four hours.

DeLuna points out that other restaurants and pizzerias were closed , and although the establishment was only open for a short time, they served much more food than they normally did. There is not even food left for them. “This is us when we run out of food” , the young woman wrote in the photo.

The pizzeria worker also tells in her post that she and her coworkers worked hard to serve a large number of meals, but yelled at them. The same times they tried to say they were sorry.

Al At the end of the publication, De Luna put into perspective the difficulties that restaurant workers may face during contingencies: “ We leave our safety to drive here. We take our time to be here. We risk everything to be here to serve you all. Please understand that we work hard not because we have to, but because we want to help and we care. ”

The young woman shares that although work in a restaurant can have Service rush and quite exhausting days, I had never had shifts similar to this one.

The photograph got a great response and went viral, being taken up by local media that point out how important it is to recognize essential workers who have been feeding people during pandemic and local emergencies, because they receive very little credit for their work.

Most responses to the Facebook photography are positive. Although there was no lack of negative reactions, let those who recognize and defend the workers of the pizzeria stand out.

“Thank you for all you do and your hard work. I am very sorry that you had to put up with any abusive behavior. I know people are under pressure. They deserve respect ”, you can read among the hundreds of comments. Those who responded negatively are also singled out for not being able to “resist the opportunity to reprimand someone for their efforts.”

The Domino’s worker’s post turns out to be a call to empathy with restaurant employees who prepare food when you need it most, amid the chaos.

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