Taking care of the interior of our car is as important as taking care of the exterior, since the mechanical section is in charge of moving us from one side to the other, but comfort is defined by the aspects that appear from the doors to the inside.
The neatness of the seats, upholstery, carpets and all the elements that are in the car will determine, to a large extent, the sensation of pleasure that we experience while driving, therefore, at the moment of cleaning special attention should be paid to this part of the vehicle.
Properly clean everything impeccable. However, from time to time accidents may occur that compromise the integrity of the elements, such as seats or upholstery.
If you spill a glass of soda, the chances of it penetrating the seat structure are greater if you don’t We clean on time. Now, beyond liquids, there is a solid element that generates real problems: chewing gum.
If you have children at home, it is most likely that this has happened to you or may happen to you soon. The structure of chewing gum is really annoying after having the ability to adhere strongly to surfaces (tediously if it is fabric), spread and form a hard layer once dry.
For this reason, know how to remove chewing gum from upholstery and seats once and for all.
The worst enemy of chewing gum is ice. If the gum is very stuck, rub an ice cube on its extension and wait for it to harden. Once this happens, it will be like a ball-shaped rock to be easily removed later, by means of a spatula or object that allows you to uproot it.
On the other hand, If the gum turned out to be quite a warrior, you can appeal to use nail polish remover. However, you must make sure that it does not cause damage to the fabric of the seats. To do this, apply just a little on one corner of the gum and see how it reacts.
If it is positive, use it directly, otherwise moisten a cotton ball and then rub the gum, then remove it and clean any nail polish remover left on the upholstery.
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