Saturday, September 21

Virtual calculator tells you in minutes how much money you would receive under the third stimulus check of $ 1,400

You will only have to answer three questions online

Calculadora virtual te dice en minutos cuánto dinero recibirías bajo tercer cheque de estímulo de $1,400 Calculadora virtual te dice en minutos cuánto dinero recibirías bajo tercer cheque de estímulo de $1,400

The Kiplinger calculator is based on the information available at the time regarding the level of eligibility for the third stimulus check.

Photo: JESHOOTS-com / Pixabay

By just answering three questions online, you can have a clearer idea of ​​how much money you would receive under the proposal for $ 1 stimulus checks, 400 contained in the “American rescue plan” that promotes the Biden Management .

Currently, the $ 1.9 trillion stimulus package is under consideration by the House of Representatives that could lower it to a vote to the plenary session next week.

But based on the information available so far, approximate calculations can be made.

The legislative piece for new direct payments before the House provides for a base amount of $ 1, 400 per individual or $ 2, 800 for marriages, and $ 1, 400 by dependents regardless of age.

The text of the proposal specifies that individuals who earn annually up to $ 75, 000 and $ 150, 000, in the case of marriages, they will be creditors of the total payment as established in the previous stimulus laws. From those income thresholds, payments will gradually decrease until individuals earning more than $ 100, 000 and couples earning $ 200, 000.

The medium Kiplinger released this week a virtual calculator that can be accessed for free from its website and that helps users to preliminarily establish the amount of money they would receive in the third round.

The three required questions

For the tool to complete the sum, the person must answer three questions. The first, the marital status that you used or will use for your tax return this year or the previous one.

In the second box you must answer the number of applicable dependents in the tax return corresponding to 2020 or the above if you have not yet filed the return this year.

Finally, the taxpayer must submit the adjusted gross income for the tax return of 2020 or the above.

Once the data is entered, the calculator will make the evaluation based on the available data on income level for eligibility.

Here you can access to the virtual calculator of the third stimulus check

The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) began accepting tax returns from 2020 last0 12 February.

As with the CARES Act under which $ 1 stimulus checks were distributed , 300, the third round of checks will coincide with the tax season, which poses more challenges for the IRS in terms of time.

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