Tuesday, September 24

Human trafficking, the second most profitable crime for criminals in Mexico

México ocupa el tercer lugar mundial en la comisión de este delito.
Mexico ranks third in the world in committing this crime.

Photo: Spencer Platt / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 25 Aug 2022 , 16: 46 pm EDT

Human trafficking, known as modern slavery, repeatedly violates the dignity of victims so that someone else benefits financially from their exploitation. Mexico ranks third in the world in committing this crime.

Mexico is a destination, transit territory, and place of origin for girls, boys, women, and men who are victims of trafficking. Despite the number of registered cases, the investigations that are initiated for this crime are very few, which suggests the lack of complaints and actions by the authority.

Recently, the National Citizen Observatory (ONC) announced through the study “Money laundering in human trafficking. Challenges for your attention”, that human trafficking is the second crime that generates the most profits for organized crime, only behind drug trafficking.

The organization explained that this crime leaves daily a profit of one thousand 500 pesos per victim exploited .

He also pointed out that in Mexico financial flows and money laundering from human trafficking people are little investigated and present a lag with respect to the international level.

Transactions linked to this illicit represented less than 1% of the total reports of unusual operations of the Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) during 2021.

This suggests that combating human trafficking from its monetary flows is an unsound practice in Mexico, because the actions against money laundering focus on the drug cartels,

In its report, the ONC detailed that between 2015 and the first semester of 2022, in Mexico there were 5 known 100 victims of human trafficking; two out of three victims were women and three out of 10 registered victims were minors.

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