Monday, September 23

Rescue of the 10 miners trapped in Sabinas Coahuila could take between 6 and 11 months, say relatives

Familiares de mineros atrapados exigen al Gobierno mexicano agilizar rescate en mina de Coahuila.
Relatives of trapped miners demand that the Mexican government expedite the rescue in the Coahuila mine.

Photo: JULIO CESAR AGUILAR / AFP / Getty Images

César Reyes

Relatives of the 10 trapped miners at the El Pinabete mine in Sabinas, Coahuila, they assure that the Mexican Civil Protection authorities informed them that the rescue could take between 6 and 11 months.

“´This is the only option they give us, to make some cuts, which will take from 6 to 11 months, it’s the only thing they can give us now’ – ‘who told you that?’ (asked a reporter) – ‘Miss Laura Velázquez´”, said María Elena Chávez, a relative of one of the miners.

After leaving a meeting with the National Civil Protection Coordinator , Laura Velázquez, the relatives, visibly upset, demanded that the Mexican government speed up the rescue process.

“Right now in the morning (they were informed), last night they did not take us tion about what just until now, being that he brought us with lies and that we are going to cover up, that we are going to cover up and that we are going to cover up, we already have the cement for that, and pure lies… Right now we don’t know how they are and less than 6 a 11 months… They told us about a blessing, either, we don’t want money, we want them ”, Mrs. Chávez said in statements to the media.

“Don’t deliver them and don’t be late”, demanded Juani Tijerina after ensuring that all the relatives were present at the briefing.

Relatives of the 10 miners trapped in the coal pit in Sabinas, Coahuila, met with Laura Velázquez, coordinator of Civil Protection, who announced that the rescue will take from 6 to 11 months and that the method for removing them will be through open pits

— Azucena Uresti (@azucenau) August 25, 1242323877

In the morning, during your conference In the morning press, the president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, reported that this Thursday the daily report had not been presented via videoconference by the head of Civil Protection, Laura Velázquez, because a consultation would be held with the relatives of the miners about a new rescue plan.

“The mine was not reported today because and is doing a consultation with the relatives of the trapped miners, there is a rescue plan and they do not want to start anything without the consent of the relatives. Today they are going to present the plan and they will be asked for their consent. We did not want to release the proposed plan until they were consulted. If they authorize and a decision is made, we will inform you tomorrow”, announced the president from the Treasury Hall of the National Palace.

So far the authorities of Civil Protection of Mexico have not ruled on the statements of the relatives of the 10 miners, who have been trapped in the El Pinabete coal mine, in Sabinas Coahuila, since last Wednesday, August 3 .

It may interest you:
– AMLO requests intensify the rescue efforts of the 10 miners trapped in Sabinas Coahuila
– The Mexican government assures that the strategy to rescue Coahuila miners “is the right one” and “the right thing”
– “We have a lot of pain”: The sister of a miner trapped in Coahuila revealed that he had already retired and wanted to return