Friday, September 20

Huawei is dedicated to raising pigs while sanctions in the United States cause sales of its smartphones to drop

After the United States sanctions, the Huawei company would have begun to work on artificial intelligence for facial recognition that would help track pigs

Huawei se dedica a la cría de cerdos mientras las sanciones en Estados Unidos provocan la caída de ventas de sus smartphones
Facial recognition technology could help track vital signs, including the weight and diet of the animals.

Photo: TOBIAS SCHWARZ / AFP / Getty Images

Huawei is changing its business model and focusing its attention on artificial intelligence that can help pig farmers because sales of their smartphones have decreased after the sanctions applied by the United States.

On Huawei face recognition could help pig farmers identify each of them . The company’s technology could also help track your vital signs, including weight and diet.

This new project was announced on Weibo by President Duan Aijun, who runs the company’s computer vision business, reported Thursday on South China Morning Post .

A company spokesperson told BBC News that: “Pig farming is one more example of how we try to revitalize some traditional industries with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to create more value for industries in the 5G era. ”

Huawei’s smartphone sales were affected by the sanctions imposed in the United States in August and fell by 40% during the last quarter of 2020 , dropping to sixth place in shipments of smartphones according to the site Business Insider . The US government accused the company of sharing user information with the Chinese government although Huawei has denied this on several occasions.

Sanctions prohibit suppliers from selling to Huawei chips made abroad with American technology. The agency Reuters reported that days before Donald Trump left the presidency, his administration revoked the licenses of Huawei’s supplier companies.

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Joe Biden’s management indicated that it will continue to take a line against the company. The 25 January Jen Psaki , the press secretary, said that any telecommunication equipment manufactured by unreliable suppliers, including Huawei, “is a threat to the security of the United States and our allies.”

A site report Nikkei Asia notes that Huawei cell phone orders will drop by 60% this year.

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