Friday, September 20

Lucero confesses that he had COVID-19 and infected his daughter Lucerito: “I did not want to worry anyone”

Lucero narrated how was his experience with VOVID – 19, a disease that he suffered some time ago and that he preferred to keep secret until he was out of danger.

The actress and singer surprised her fans by announcing that she was another victim of the Coronavirus, a disease she contracted a few weeks ago after performing a concert via streaming , all despite the fact that he maintained all the necessary precautionary measures to avoid contagion.

I want to tell you that I was infected with COVID, I was infected and fortunately I got out of it, thank God, and there are many factors that helped me to be well. I want to tell you because it is not something that has to be hidden, it is a world situation to which we are all exposed “, he revealed during the most recent episode of his YouTube channel which is called” Much to tell “.

The interpreter of hits like” Survive ” and “Electricidad” narrated in detail what went through his mind when he confirmed that the virus was already lodged in his body: “ The day I find out and discover through a PCR test that I am positive, immediately I naturally feel very afraid, fearful, I begin to think how it is going to touch me “.

He confessed that it is not explained how the virus arrived, since in their environment they have always maintained all the precautions and recommendations of health experts, such as the use of a mask at all times, in addition to limiting all their outings since the pandemic began.

I would have preferred never to go through this contagion, I have been very lucky, but I tried never to get infected “, added the television star, who fortunately did not have serious symptoms that put her life at risk.

“I felt a little tired when exercising, I did not identify it as a symptom of COVID at the time, I thought that maybe I was more tired. I had certain details that made me decide to take the test. I was very careful, I don’t know how (the virus) got through. I did not feel breathing problems, I did not feel problems with oxygenation “, he detailed.

After undergoing the test and discovering that it came out positive, she confessed to having been afraid of not knowing what was going to happen, although fortunately she had the medical attention of the experts almost immediately.

It is important to attend on time as in my case I could do it and take my medications as prescribed from the first moment to have a complete health. I do not suffer from other diseases, I exercise, I eat well and probably that helped not to get serious “, emphasizing that the severity of the disease does not depend on the economic or social position of the person suffering from it. , so he asked not to take into account this type of prejudice.

The actress also assured that, at the time, she preferred to be hermetic and not share this information to avoid speculation and worry those who love her. “ I was very cautious and that is why I did not want to tell them at the time I was infected because I did not want to worry anyone, distress the people who love me. I preferred to be prudent and wait as it evolved “, he acknowledged.

He also confessed that he suffered a bit of anguish because he infected his daughter Lucerito , who fortunately was also treated and reacted to the treatment without complications.

I was very sad that I infected my daughter, my Lucero, but she also reacted very well in all aspects. I am very grateful to God and to life that she has done very well , “he said.

Lucero concluded his program by asking his followers not to lower the guard and maintain care to avoid contagions, and although vaccines are already being given we are not free of the virus yet.

I wanted to ask you to continue taking care of yourself, continue with your care and caring for others. You cannot claim victory yet, the virus can be truly dangerous “, he asked.