Wednesday, September 25

Of the 400 questions that the New York attorney general asked Trump, only one answered

The former president resorted to the Fifth Amendment, an act that years ago he described as the constitutional right to which the mafia only resorts when it feels trapped. The also businessman was advised by his team of lawyers to avoid incriminating himself in a crime

El expresidente Donald Trump rechazó responder preguntas sobre posible fraude de sus empresas.El expresidente Donald Trump rechazó responder preguntas sobre posible fraude de sus empresas.
Former President Donald Trump refused to answer questions about possible fraud by his companies.

Photo: David Dee Delgad / Getty Images

La OpiniónEl expresidente Donald Trump rechazó responder preguntas sobre posible fraude de sus empresas.

By: The opinion Updated Aug 2022, 9: 43 am EDT

After it became known that Donald Trump accepted the Fifth Amendment to refuse to answer any questions asked by New York Attorney General Letitia James’ team, details have begun to emerge of the hearing.

It is now known that the former president of the United States used more than 400 times the word Fifth Amendment, constitutional right that every citizen has not to testify to avoid self-incrimination in a crime.

Act that has been criticized by his detractors who reminded him that years ago it was he who pointed out that the Fifth Amendment is the constitutional right that the mafia only resorts to when they feel trapped.

A report by The Washington Post indicates that the former president repeated over and over v ez “same answer”, in reference to the Fifth Amendment, until the interview ended.

The former president’s lawyer, Ronald Fischetti, quoted by The New York Times, indicated that During the long hearing, Trump answered only one question : he confirmed his name when asked at the beginning of the session.

Among the questions that were asked,

What is the the value of your golf courses? and what is the size of your apartment?

Fischetti confirmed that the hearing lasted from 9: 30 in the morning at 00: 00 hours and that during the interview there were several short breaks and a slightly longer one for lunch.

At the center of these investigations is the Trump organization and the possibility that financial statements that were delivered to insurers and even banks may have been lied to.

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La Opinión

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CargandoEl expresidente Donald Trump rechazó responder preguntas sobre posible fraude de sus empresas.