Friday, September 20

For violating Twitter rules, Paty Navidad was suspended and so were the reactions

Paty Navidad has caused controversy again when her Twitter account was suspended for “ Breaking the rules ”of the social network.

The suspension measure comes after the account of President of the United States Donald was also canceled Trump, whom Christmas has made public his support for on multiple occasions.

The users of the platform have demonstrated and have managed to return to the controversial famous trend. These are some of the messages that have been published:

Too bad that Paty Navidad is now trending that he no longer has a tweet, he will not be able to see it.

– César Láscarez (@cesarlascarez) January 9, 2021

Twitter to Paty Navidad and Trump really said

– Edu Aviña (@yorchedguard) January 9, 2021

It would have been very cruel if they had suspended Paty Navidad’s account if they had suspended in the middle of Christmas … They also suspended the accounts of Paty Ano Nuevo and Paty Reyes Magos …

– Joernalist (@joeciruj) January 9, 1347694672228065281

Maybe Paty Christmas will recover Ra your account with a few keys.

– Pinche Buzz (@elpinchebuzz) January 9, 2021

I’m going to miss Paty Navidad’s tweets telling me that the pandemic is Santa Claus does not exist and that the vaccine will leave me like the oxxo: with chips and without a system

– jezzini (@jezzzini) January 9, 2021

With the suspension of Trump and Paty Navidad from Twitter, the average IQ of the entire social network increased by 7%.

– El Jefe Diego (@EIJefeDiego) January 9, 2021

A small step to man, but a great leap for humanity … that they have suspended the account of # PatyNavidad

– Alex _ 007 (@alo 07 _ 007) January 9, 2021

I just saw that Paty Navidad doesn’t wear a mask because “her immune system takes care of her” and well yes, if not even the towel knows how to put on, what will she know about this virus haha.

– Brenduh (@ayqueflojera) January 9, 2021

The best thing that happened in the year is the suspended account of Trump and Paty Navidad

– neurotipico (@_solorod) January 9, 2021