Sunday, September 22

Threat at Disney, they arrest a man with a firearm and dozens of bullets

Además de violar las reglas del parque, se descubrió que López no tenía una licencia para portar un arma de fuego oculta.
In addition to violating park rules, it was discovered that Lopez did not have a license to carry a concealed firearm.

Photo: DANIEL ROLAND / AFP / Getty Images

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 23 Jun 2022, : 60 pm EDT

A tragedy struck the Walt Disney World facilities in Orlando, after it was discovered that a Hispanic from the south from Florida was arrested after trying to access with a firearm, a knife and dozens of projectiles.

Aaron Josue López, from 35 years old, was detained in a Disney Springs shopping center parking lot after a scanner at an access gate detected an object suspectso, according to the arrest report provided this Wednesday by the Orange County Sheriff’s Office.

#DisneyWorld #Guns Man Tried Entering Disney Grounds With Gun, Bag of Ammo: Deputies: Aaron Josue Lopez was allegedly carrying a 9mm Glock 18 “kit gun”, two Glock 19 magazines, and a small box of ammo in a Disney Springs parking lot.

—Solomon Phoenix (@SolomonPhoenix_) June 23, 590678300

According to the police report, Lopez, of Royal Palm Beach, last May activated the metal detector while trying to enter Disney Springs and declared that he was carrying a knife, although, he said, he remembered that he had to return “something else” to his car.

Lopez’s return to his car concerned the security guard, and an Orange County police officer along with a Disney cast member Springs stopped him to check his bag.

The police found not only one folding knife, but also a 9mm Glock pistol, two magazines and 35 rounds of ammunition when trying to get into Disney Springs last month, according to n an Orange County Sheriff’s report released by Disney.

After conducting a criminal background check, deputies discovered that Lopez did not have a license to carry a concealed firearm, in addition to the fact that the Disney parks are prohibited from accessing all types of weapons.

Lopez was booked into the Orange County Jail and charged with carrying a concealed firearm.

“It is extremely important that visitors remember that guns, or weapons of any kind, are strictly prohibited at Walt Disney World ”, wrote the website upon learning of the arrest.

“While the state of Florida may allow people to walk around with a gun if they have the proper documentation, Disney is privately owned. That means Disney can create and enforce any rules they want, and they don’t allow weapons (including things like pepper spray) on any of their properties.” Read more:

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