Monday, October 7

Donald Trump and two of his children are subpoenaed to testify by New York prosecutor

Tras anunciar los resultados de la investigación, Trump Organization calificó la pesquisa de “infundada” y con fines políticos.
After announcing the results of the investigation, the Trump Organization described the investigation as “unfounded” and for political purposes.

Photo: Chet Strange / AFP / Getty Images


By: EFE Updated 08 Jun 2022, 16: 59 pm EDT

The former president of the United States, Donald Trump and two of his children, Ivanka and Donald Trump Jr., were summoned to testify by the attorney general of the state of New York, Letitia James, the next 15 in July, according to a New York Supreme Court document made public this Wednesday.

However, the document establishes that the appearance can be stopped if an appeals court requests it before next Monday and presents all the required documentation before 30 of June.

The Attorney General’s Office is trying to determine whether Trump’s company inflated the value of its assets in order to obtain loans banking and at the same time reduced that same value with the intention of paying less taxes , while the district attorney of the district of Manhattan has opened an i Parallel criminal investigation.

The New York Attorney General’s long-sought interviews with Donald Trump and two of his children, Donald Trump Jr. and Ivanka Trump, are scheduled for July 15.

—Face The Nation (@FaceTheNation) June 8, 2021

Two weeks ago, a federal judge dismissed the lawsuit filed by Donald Trump against James, which had the purpose of stopping the investigations of the prosecutor and vetoing his participation in any civil action against him or his company, alleging that the actions of the senior official, who is a Democrat, were politically motivated.

That decision by Judge Brenda K. Sannes was the second consecutive defeat for the former president , because two days ago Trump and two of his children lost a appeal before another court with which they sought to avoid testifying before the Prosecutor’s Office in this same case.

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