Monday, October 7

Common mistakes behind the wheel: the 10 you're making and don't know

Ejemplo de conducción con dos manos al volante.
Example of driving with two hands on the wheel.

Photo: Shutterstock / Courtesy

Klon Perez

By: Klon Perez Updated 03 Jun 2022, 13: 00 pm EDT

The way you drive a car is very important not only for safety reasons but also because certain driving habits cause much more wear on the car or damage to which sooner rather than later we will have to face. And even if we have the car insured and this does not come directly from our pocket, they can give us a hard time.

You are probably one of those who thinks that when manages does everything well, it is very common that this is the evaluation we make of ourselves. But the truth is that many times we make minor or big mistakes behind the wheel and unfortunately we don’t know about it.

That is why in this note we are going to review 10 of those most common mistakes that we do not know we make.

Conductora acalorada.
Driver overheated. (Photo: Shutterstock/Courtesy)

1. Constant lane changes

Although this action is allowed and as long as it is done verifying exactly those around us everything is fine, it is also true that the more times we do them, the more chances we have that something goes wrong. For this reason, the recommendation will be to stay in one lane for as long as possible.

two. Not keeping the correct distance in a tunnel

Although we must always keep a safe distance from the car that we have in front of us, we must bear in mind that when entering a tunnel it must even increase.

Being a closed space, the room for maneuver is notably reduced in the event of an eventuality.

3. Raise tire to curbs

Parking with tires raised to the sidewalks not only impairs the passage pedestrian and can cause you a fine, it contributes to the tires suffering deformities that will be reflected in their performance.

4. Use the fuel up to the reserve

As we have reviewed in other notes, this severely affects the car’s fuel system. In general, at the bottom of the tank there is dirt that is very harmful to the pump or the injectors. Not to mention that you can get stranded somewhere.

5. Neglecting to change tires

Although in the manufacturer’s manual it will always go from specifically when you have to make different changes, including tires, it is essential that you be observant of them. It may happen that before the stipulated time they are presenting a fault or a malformation.

Conductor sorprendido
Driver surprised on the road. (Photo: Shutterstock/Courtesy)

6. passing yellow traffic lights

As we have already explained, the yellow light at a traffic light does not it is meant to tell you to step on the gas to pass, instead it tells you to stop now because the instruction is going to change. We cannot let the rush make our trip unsafe.

7. Do not use warning lights

It is important that we learn to use all the instruments of the car to help other drivers anticipate what our movements will be. Not warning the rest can be a reason for a sure collision.

8. Disobeying speed limits

Right now, with so much technology in cars, it is impossible for someone say you don’t know the speed limit in a certain area. It must be taken into account that if they are imposed by law, it is because they have been designed for a certain area. If we have doubts, it is always better to investigate and observe the signs well.

9. Drive in the center lane

Even if you are not constantly changing lanes and maintain a cruiser, the center back is always going to be exposed to more danger as through him there are overtaking and constant changes from side to side. If we can always go for the one on the right, better.

10. Being distracted at the wheel

It is usually one of the most frequent reasons why accidents occur . It is true that it is good to talk to someone in the car, but you should never take your eyes off the road. Obviously, cell phone use also represents an imminent danger, so we should avoid checking it while driving.

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