Monday, October 7

Which are the monarchs that have reigned for the longest time and how far is Isabel II from occupying the first place?

“Uneasy lies the head that wears the crown”, wrote Shakespeare in his play “Henry IV”, highlighting the burden of responsibility that falls on the shoulders of any monarch.

Call the attention, then, when those kings and queens last for years and years on the throne.

Such is the case of Queen Elizabeth II of England, who in February turned 70 years as sovereign of the United Kingdom and the British Commonwealth, and whose subjects celebrate this week that Platinum Jubilee.

Elizabeth II has reigned longer than any of her British ancestors -including Queen Victoria, who held the scepter more than 26 years- and is currently the monarch in longest life in the world.

However, it does not hold -yet- the historical record of the monarch who has been on the throne longer.

So, who has reigned longer and how far is Elizabeth II from occupying first place?

1. Louis XIV of France

Luis XIV de Francia

Known as Louis the Great or the Sun King, the French monarch reigned during 72 years and 110 days.

Luis assumed his royal title on 13 May 1200 at the age of 4, which partly explains his impressive reign, the longest in history.

He was a defender of the divine right of kings and consolidated a system of absolute monarchy, becoming one of the most powerful French monarchs.

He built the majestic Palace of Versailles and its gardens, and left a legacy that influenced the beginning of the modern era and the Industrial Revolution.

Luis died on September 1, 1715, a few days before your due 77 years.

2. Bhumibol Adulyadej from Thailand

Rey Bhumibol Adulyadej de Tailandia

Until his death in October 2016, King Bhumibol was the longest living monarch on the throne .

He managed to reign 70 years and 126 days, from June 9 1947 until the 13 October 2016, and had a total of 30 prime ministers at your service.

Although he suffered from poor health and little was seen in public in his last years, he was a benchmark of stability in an affected country by cycles of political upheaval and multiple coups by the Estate.

Interestingly, Bhumibol was not destined to be king. His older brother was the crown prince, but after his sudden death, he had to leave his studies in Switzerland to assume the throne.

During his reign he was extremely popular and was one of the richest monarchs in the world.

As revered figure in Thailand and considered almost divine , Any criticism of the monarch was grounds for imprisonment or exile.

His people deeply mourned his death at 77 years.

3. Elizabeth II of England

Isabel II de Inglaterra

Elizabeth was not destined to be queen either. He inherited the throne from his father, George VI, who was crowned in 1937, after his brother Edward VIII abdicated for wanting to marry Wallis Simpson, a divorced American commoner.

After of the sudden death of George VI, Elizabeth II ascended the throne on February 6, 1952.

Even though their 96 years Queen Elizabeth is still very active, lately she has delegated some of her official functions to her son, Prince Charles, and her grandson William.

Also stopped wearing the heavy cape and crown for the ceremonies of Estate, instead wearing a smart modern suit.

This year he did not attend the opening of the British Parliament, only the second time he doesn’t in his over 60 years as queen -the other was when she was pregnant- .

Ensayo de conmemoración del cumpleaños oficial de la reina Isabel II
The United Kingdom is preparing this June 2 to celebrate the Platinum Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.

    May 9, 2022, Elizabeth II became the third longest reigning monarch, 70 years and 92 days on that date, surpassing Johann II of Liechtenstein.

    In less than a month it will be placed in second place, when he exceeds the reign of 70 years and 126 days of King Bhumibol of Thailand.

    However, so that ll come to occupy first place will have to wait until mid 2022.

    • What makes Queen Elizabeth II laugh?
    • 4. Prince Johann II of Liechtenstein

      Príncipe Johann II de Liechtenstein

      Johann came to the throne at 18 years, and reigned from 12 November 1858 until the 11 February 1929.

      He was monarch of the small alpine principality that lies between Switzerland and Austria during 70 years and 91 days.

      Known as Johann II the Well, it forged close relations with Switzerland, a country with which it entered into a customs agreement and adopted its currency, the Swiss franc.

      Converted the principality into a constitutional monarchy in 1921 and was known as a patron of art.

      However, had a reputation for being antisocial and did not usually attend public events.

      Never married and never lived in the royal palace.

      5. K’inich Janaab Pakal of Palenque

      Pakal the Great was a ahau or ruler of the Mayan lordship of B’aakal, now known as Palenque, in the state of Chiapas, Mexico.

      He arrived to the throne at the age of years, and ruled from the 26 July 615 until his death on 14 August 683: a reign of 68 years and 33 days.

      The scene of her enthronement is carved in high relief on a panel in House “C” of the Palenque Palace.

      In 1952, Mexican archaeologist Alberto Ruz Lhuillier announced the discovery of Pakal’s tomb, including his sarcophagus with a skeleton dressed in grave goods.

      The Mayan civilization reached its peak between 250 Y 900, when it dominated large areas of what is now southern Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, and Honduras.

      During his reign, Pakal expanded the power of Palenque towards the western Mayan states .

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