Saturday, October 5

How to cleanse your chakras after a stormy love breakup

If after a love break you feel emotional, mental and physical exhaustion, it is because it is a difficult and stormy moment that can cause your chakras to suffer an imbalance . That is why, after experiencing the hard episode of heartbreak, it is necessary to clean them so that they work properly.

The chakras are the vortices or circles of vital energy in the human body. It is comprised of 7 main ones and each one represents a different divine vibration. They are affected by our psychological, emotional and spiritual state; if they are open and receptive they help us to accept a new love, but if they are closed and blocked, they capture the bad feelings and let them out.

For this reason it is important to purify them after breaking up with your partner. They will help you remove any heaviness and move forward, holistic experts explained to the Elite Daily site. They added that it can be a challenge to know which chakra is unbalanced so the recommendation is to purify all 7 in their entirety and they shared a technique to unlock each one.

Root Chakra

Located at the base of the spine, it is responsible for keeping you in touch with the earth, that is, it makes you feel sure of yourself. To unlock it repeat this affirmation “it is safe for me to be grounded in the present moment. I am enough as I am.” It is recommended to meditate with a tiger eye quartz.

Sacral Chakra

It is located in the lower part of the abdomen and is a reflection of how we feel about ourselves. It is associated with creativity, sexuality and money. Being related to water you can bathe or go swimming to purify it.

Solar plexus chakra

It is the one that is located in the center of the body, just below the chest and helps us feel safe in the next step we want to take. Since yellow is its color, you can feed it with foods such as pineapple, banana and dress in yellow.

Heart chakra

Naturally he is the most affected after a love breakup. Feeling heartbroken is the most intense sign of your maladjustment. Repeating an affirmation that helps you empower yourself can balance it out, for example “I am worthy of love and I am open to receive it”. Eating green foods is also suggested.

Throat Chakra

It is blocked when you cannot express what what do you feel. During a breakup it is important not to stop any thought, so an exercise that will help it work correctly is to make a diary where you write what you feel in the grieving process as well as talk with friends or family.

Third eye chakra

It is located right between the eyebrows and is responsible for our future vision. After a heartbreak, the future is cloudy and looks gloomy, which is a sign of blockage. The indigo color is associated with the third eye chakra, so eating foods such as grapes helps balance it. It also helps to meditate under the sun’s rays.

Crown Chakra

It is the one that is located in the crown, above the head, and helps to be connected with our superior wisdom and universal love. The crown chakra is the one that lets you know the learnings you acquired after suffering difficult events such as heartbreak. To clean it you can light an incense.

You may be interested: – How to balance your 7 chakras using plants
– How to know in 2 minutes if your chakras are unbalanced
– Ritual to balance the 7 chakras for the first time