Sunday, July 7

Russia conducts massive nuclear missile drills as Putin's warning to the West

Un sistema ruso de misiles balísticos intercontinentales Yars RS-24 se movió a través de la región boscosa de Ivanovo.
A Russian intercontinental ballistic missile system Yars RS-24 moved through the forested region of Ivanovo.

Photo: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV / AFP / Getty Images

Russia conducted nuclear missile drills to test how it could strike the West in a matter of minutes in another warning of Vladimir Putin’s regime.

The images show the massive hypersonic ballistic missile launchers being transported through the forest in the Ivanovo region, according to The Sun site.

The Yars and Topol M missiles are some of the deadliest weapons from Russia.

The Yars thermonuclear missile can fly targets at 15,05 mph and carry six warheads.

The Putin’s warning drills come a day after one of his allies ted, Dmitry Rogozin, will boast that Russia is ready to deploy 50 of its “unstoppable” nuclear weapons Satan-2.

Standing at the colossal height of a tower of 14 floors, the Sarmat RS-missile 28 of 208 tons is capable of hitting targets at almost 16,05 mph.

The ‘end of the world’ nuclear bomb can also carry 15 warheads and has the potential to destroy an area the size of the UK in one single explosion.

Putin has made several threats against the West last week when he began deploying nuclear missiles towards its border with Finland.

Moscow has made it clear that it will suffer the consequences of joining NATO, boasting that it could annihilate Finland in “ten seconds”. us”.

Meanwhile, Putin’s allies have supported his views also by issuing threats.

Yesterday, Alexander Lukashenko said that the West risks World War III by supplying weapons to Ukraine.

In a letter to the secretary general of the UN, Lukashenko said that Belarus “calls on the countries of the world to unite and prevent the regional conflict in Europe from turning into a full-scale world war.”

Last week, Dmitry Rogozin, head of the Russian space agency Roscosmos, bragged to schoolchildren that the deadly Satan-2 nuclear bomb can destroy “half the US coastline. .”.

Rogozin made it clear that the “unstoppable” Satan-2 would “take combat duty” this fall.

Deputy Prime Minister Yury Borisov, in charge of development military, said Russia could use new-age laser weapons to disrupt Western satellites or Ukrainian drones.

Borisov said the new system mobile, Peresvet, was already deployed with the Moscow forces.

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