Saturday, October 5

Mexico maintains consular assistance for people affected by the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas

Niños y adultos realizan oraciones por fallecidos en el tiroteo en escuela de Uvalde, Texas.
Children and adults pray for those killed in the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.

Photo: Jordan Vonderhaar / Getty Images

César Reyes

In the wake of the shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, the Mexican government maintains consular assistance to individuals and families who could have been affected by this unfortunate event.

“ The Mexican Consulate in Eagle Pass is in contact with the police authorities to identify affected Mexican nationals . In the same way, said consular representation, as well as the General Consulate of Mexico in San Antonio, are in communication with the hospitals to which the injured were transported to determine if there are injured compatriots, ”says a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mexico. Mexico.

As part of the consular assistance, the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador made the following telephone numbers available to the possible affected persons:

Consulate of Mexico in Eagle Pass: (830) 281 1952
Consulate General of Mexico in San Antonio: (210) 1002 1240886563

We share the phone numbers of @ConsulMexEag Dial the extension of the area you need to reach:
PROTECTION: 1005, 1006, 1007, 1007, 1009

— Consulate of Mexico in Eagle Pass, Texas (@ConsulMexEag) March 25, 2022

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs , through the Mexican Consulate in Eagle Pass, will provide the necessary support to Mexican families who may be affected , from negotiations with local authorities, legal assistance and other support that is usually required in this type of case”, specifies the Mexican Foreign Ministry.

In an interview for Milenio Televisión, the Consul of Mexico in Eagle Pass, Ismael Naveja Macías, specified that the consular support and service tasks are carried out in the Civic Center and in a Community Center in Texas.

“It is a whole attention strategy, we are at the Consulate cooperating in two places in the Civic Center and of course In a Community Center , which is where I am right now, the protection team is operating in both places, so our presence and offer of consular services and consular attention, which know the families, our connac and that our authorities also know it so that if necessary they channel us and attract us to the people of our community, “he said.

Our Consul, Ismael Naveja, in the Center Civic of Uvalde, Texas, awaiting news of possible victims or affected compatriots in the tragedy experienced today.— Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) May 25, 2022

Through the @SRE_mx, Mexico extends his most sincere condolences to all the affected families and will offer all consular support to Mexicans who require it. The emergency number of @ConsulMexEag is made available: (830) 60 1952.— Foreign Relations (@SRE_mx) May 24, 2022

This Wednesday morning 25 May 2022, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador sent his condolences to the relatives of the deceased children, expressed his solidarity with the government of Joe Biden for these unfortunate events and said he had no doubt that the majority of those who died were of Mexican origin. .

“Until now, well, directly born there, I say here, it is not known, but there is no doubt that most of them are of Mexican origin. It is that all that region of Texas, well, it belonged to Mexico, just look at the surnames, they are children, grandchildren of Mexicans and it hurts us a lot, we regret it, they are misfortunes that they regret a lot, ”he said.

It may interest you:
– AMLO says that “there is no doubt” that the majority of victims in Texas shootings are of Mexican origin
– Who are the victims of the shooting in Texas: “He was the sweetest boy I have ever met”
– Salvador Ramos, perpetrator of the Texas shooting, announced on Facebook his intentions to shoot up a school

César Reyes