Friday, October 25

The tarot card for the week of May 23 to 29, 2022

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 04 May 2022, : 48 pm EDT

The tarot is a tool that can help you know what the future holds for this 2022. Nothing better than starting a new week with advice, a piece of advice, that clarifies or gives us light for the days to come and thus be more calm, calm, of the steps or decisions that are presented to us in the coming days.

Now, take a minute, close your eyes and take a deep breath, let a number from one to three come to your mind, when the number comes, open your eyes quietly, now, look down y read what the tarot wants to advise you for this new week.

one. Five of Swords

one. Five of Swords: Situations of conflict with yourself, are days to think about where the fault is, to go back and find where you are doing wrong. The search can leave you tired, fatigued, with no desire to move forward, but do not give up, a defeat does not mean that you are going to lose. Be careful what you wish for, not every triumph implies happiness, so wish well. It will be a week to share, from your time to your earnings, participate in charitable matters. Your work is as good as that of others, do not fall into envy, value your effort and save yourself that low vibration energy. It is a week for you to work as a team, this will bring you growth, dividing the triumph among several is also very valid. Recovery is on your side, whether financially or emotionally, do not allow anyone to intervene in this great emancipation. Take care not to get too involved in family conflicts that are not very close, this can only leave you with lawsuits that you will carry without any need.

two. King of Cups

two. King of Cups: These are days to pay attention to children, husband, wife, it will be of vital importance to put family above all, unconditional love and sincerity is what will come from the heart this day. Being in charge of your business, of your office, will make you find the stability that you were looking for so much during whole months, professional growth will follow. It is time to start trusting, to leave doubts behind and feel safe in yourself and feel confident in those who are with you. Take advantage of your moments of solitude, you don’t have to be in company all the time to feel complete, solitude also teaches many things. Great days to get engaged, from a marriage to a partnership, sign without fear. The abundance that he gives you this week will be the fruit of what you harvested in previous months, distribute it well. It is a good energetic moment for energetic cleaning at home. You can receive news from distant relatives that you have never met, they will want to get closer to the family and resume ties, so take the time for this meeting and meet that branch of the family that will bring you new stories, new ways of seeing your family and understanding it. .

3. Ten of Cups

3. Ten of Cups: A week of happiness, a week where material things will not make you as happy as living with the people you love and who love you. Meetings at the door for great reunions, parties that come to you to relax and recharge your energy with good times. At last the road is clear, the crossroads are left behind and you walk fearlessly along the path you chose, trusting in your wise decision. You will find harmony between your body, your soul and your mind, that balance in which you worked so hard you finally feel it in the reflection of your words, actions, now yes, everything you think and do has a surprising coherence. Remember that everything good requires an effort to remain good, it requires not neglecting it so that it is more stable and finds an anchor to the earth and the universe. Do not hesitate to share the path you followed to be in that balance for which you worked so hard, people will listen to you because they see in you a true and real change. It is an ideal time to remove from your life with great subtlety all that hurts you, hurts you, from people to emotions.