Friday, September 20

He broke the silence: Nahuel Guzmán sends a message in which he rescues the way Tigres lost, beyond the result

After his tears and his expulsion in the final stretch of the match against Atlas, in which Tigres was eliminated from the Liga MX, Nahuel Guzmán reappeared on social networks with an extensive message dedicated to his teammates and feline fans, whom he described as incomparable and insurmountable.

In his letter, which accompanies two other photos, one of the entire team and another of the stadium full of feline fans, “The Patón” Guzmán did not touch the subject of his expulsion, nor that of his crying or the improper alignment and simply dedicated himself to extolling the performance of his team and rescuing the learning from defeat.

“Tigers, I want to thank you for teaching me the value of defeat. Compete to win, fall and learn (…) Lose so that it hurts and become stronger ”, can be read in the first part of his statement.

Subsequently, he referred specifically to the team’s fans, who are made up of that faithful hobby that never stops encouraging their players and who are with them through thick and thin.

“And as always, you, who were so incomparable, one night became unbeatable… Once again you believed in us, the gratitude is infinite… I’m honest, he didn’t reveal the result, but the way… and judging by the facts, one night that will remain for history”, he said.

Finally, he explained the feeling that makes them as players give their best and commune fully with the fans, overflowing a passion that unites them and surpasses them both.

“’Beyond the result, split the mother’ is heard in every corner of the Volcá n and is a motto that walks through corridors and dressing rooms and is embodied in each one of us (a symbiosis of passion between you and us, between us and you… we make it our own and we work so that it transcends from generation to generation. That is what these games are for, so that no one ever forgets that we are part of and play for something bigger than ourselves”, he concluded.

This letter was Nahuel’s way of thanking the people for their support last Saturday at El Volcán, because considers that they gave the players that extra boost they needed to do what seemed impossible: score 4 goals in less than 45 minutes, something they achieved and that made them feel like they were in the final for several minutes, until the penalty against them came in stoppage time that shattered their dream.

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