Friday, September 20

Michelle Salas suffers an embarrassing fall with the beautiful princess dress she wore in Cannes

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 23 May 2022, 18: 25 pm EDT

Michelle Salas was one of the Mexican celebrities who dazzled with her beauty during the number edition 75 of the Cannes Film Festival, but this time not everything was glamour, as he shared the exact moment when suffered an embarrassing fall while modeling a spectacular dress that made her look like a princess.

The daughter of Luis Miguel is used to attracting attention wherever she appears, because in addition of having a natural beauty, has also known how to stand out in the world of fashion thanks to the poise and elegance with which it is handled, as happened last weekend at the important film festival that is held every year in Cannes, France.

And it is that the influencer shared through her TikTok account a video of the moment in which she suffers a fall while walking through a narrow corridor, by the c ual stumbled due to the majestic princess cut dress in light and dark tones with small crystals that made her look like something out of a fairy tale and that she chose for the day’s event.

In the recording that was accompanied by the theme of the tape “Mission Impossible”, the great-granddaughter of Silvia Pinal began walking in the most sensual way while inviting to follow in his footsteps, but the recording took a turn when he began to walk faster and fell to the floor.

Despite the awkwardness moment the model of 32 years old reacted with a sense of humor and although it can be seen that it was difficult for her to get back on her feet , did not suffer any damage and everything was left in a funny anecdote to tell.

Of course, the reactions were immediate and in addition to accumulating thousands of reproductions, his fans let him know that despite the awkward moment she always looks beautiful.

“I had never seen someone fall with such style and glamour”, “Just as beautiful even when falling“, “Beautiful, the good thing is that the dress helps to cushion”, “Spectacular with everything and the fall“, “She dominates everything”, “A princess also looks beautiful falling down”, “She did not lose style“, were just a few messages that confirmed why she is one of the spoiled celebrities inside and outside social networks.

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