Friday, September 20

Trump to be charged with inciting insurrection in new impeachment

By: EFE 08 from January 2021

WASHINGTON – The Democratic majority in the US House of Representatives plans to accuse outgoing President Donald Trump next Monday of “inciting an insurrection”, for his role in the assault on the Capitol, which would unleash the process for a political trial that could lead to the Senate in the middle of next week, several media reported this Friday .

The latest draft of the impeachment resolution, obtained by CNN, mentions a single charge against Trump , the one of the “incitement to an insurrection” , and asks to disqualify him to occupy future political charges.

“Donald John Trump committed serious crimes and misdemeanors by deliberately inciting violence against (one of the branches of) the United States Government ”, i denotes draft, also reported by ABC and NBC News.

Democrats plan to present Monday that charge, known as impeachment article , which would allow them to schedule a quick vote on the issue in the plenary session of the Lower House for the middle of next week, although there is still no final decision on the matter, according to CNN.

In impeachment, the House of Representatives is in charge of formally accusing the president with the charges, in a vote of the plenary session, while it is the Senate who is in charge of evaluating them and deciding whether to remove the president from office, for which a large majority of two thirds is required.

The dilemma faced by the Democrats in the Lower House is that, if they start the process on Monday, when only It will be nine days since Trump’s tenure, the impeachment itself will most likely not be held in the Senate until President-elect Joe Biden is already in power, CNN explained.

That would be a great distraction from the legislative priorities that Joe Biden plans to send Congress on his first day in office, intended to do in the face of the covid pandemic – 19, revitalize the economy and reform the immigration system.

The possible political disqualification of Trump Although a condemnation of Trump in the Senate beyond the 20 January would no longer be able to remove him, the Democrats consider that the trial includes his disqualification from holding future political positions.

The draft re written by the Democrats calls his impeachment and his “disqualification from holding and enjoying any position of honor, trust or benefit under the United States.”

The Democrats are to He is about to retake control of the Senate after winning the two seats that were at stake in Georgia this week, but it is not yet clear when exactly those two new senators will take office and if it will be before 20 January, when Biden will come to power.

The Speaker of the Lower House, the Democrat Nancy Pelosi, has assured that will initiate the process for impeachment if Vice President Mike Pence does not act immediately to impeach Trump under the process established in the amendment 25 of the Constitution, something that seems very unlikely.

In a call with his co-religionists this Friday , the majority consensus was that the impeachment had to be started , but Pelosi did not guarantee that it will happen, according to CNN.

This would be the second political trial to which the Democrats would subject Trump, after the one related to his pressure on Ukraine , which concluded early last year with his acquittal in the Senate.

The draft drafted by the Democrats ensures that, by encouraging the insurrection of his followers, Trump “seriously endangered the security of the United States and its government institutions.”

“It threatened the integrity of the democratic system, interfered in the peaceful transition of power and endangered a branch of Government. Therefore, he betrayed his trust as president, with the consequent manifest damages to the people of the United States, ”the text indicates.