Monday, September 16

Christian Nodal erases the “Utopia” tattoo that reminded him of Belinda and the change was radical

Belinda / Christian Nodal.
Belinda / Christian Nodal.

Photo: Mezcaliente / Mezcaliente

Rocío García

Christian Nodal is now willing to completely forget about Belinda, well this weekend he removed the tattoo of the word “Utopia” that he had on his forehead, and in its place a flower was placed.

A few days ago the interpreter of “Botella after bottle” caused a stir on social networks by sharing a conversation he had with Belinda when they were still dating, in which he exposed the way he asked her money, leaving behind any possibility of reconciliation as revealed days before.

However, once again he has given something to talk about in around the same sentimental relationship that ended last February and that was marked by a series of extravagant demonstrations of love, including several tattoos with which they swore eternal love.

And this weekend, the original or from Caborca, Sonora, took advantage of the series of presentations she had in Costa Rica to visit the tattoo studio called Samsara, where ended all traces of Belinda’s love by eliminating completely the design that he wore on his forehead with the word “Utopia” , which he covered with a pink flower and black details, including the heart that also It was part of the original art. That was how he said a final goodbye to who was his fiancée.

Let us remember that one of the first tattoos that he decided to eliminate was the one that he had on the side of his right ear with the word “Beli”, which replaced the last February with a heart, a diamond, a club and spades, figures that allude to the card game.

A month later , the tattoo artist Rafael Valdez, confirmed that the interpreter forever removed Belinda’s eyes that she had engraved on her chest. But it was not until April when Nodal revealed what he did with his controversial tattoo.

“ I covered myself, I had some eyes here (on my chest) I covered them with wings and I made a complete design on my chest”, he revealed in an interview for the program ‘Venga la Alegría’.

As part of the same demonstrations of love, Belinda placed her ex-boyfriend’s initials (CN) inside a heart on her ankle, while they both decided to tattoo the number 4, which was significant for their relationship.

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