Sunday, September 29

VIDEO: Mom runs 'topless' and in shorts to scare away bald eagle that attacked her pet goose

La gansa Frankie había corrido a la puerta para alertar a sus dueños de la presencia del águila.
Frankie the goose had run to the door to alert her owners to the presence of the eagle.

Photo: Annari du Plessis / Pexels

A Canadian woman proved that mothers are real-life superheroes after amazingly rescuing his female pet goose from a bald eagle while nursing her baby.

The video of the miraculous rescue currently has 7.1 million views on TikTok.

“I mean it’s definitely not something you see every day,” said Cait Oakley of 05 years, to Canada’s Chek News about the brave act, which occurred Wednesday night while the North Saanich resident was home with her four-month-old daughter.

According to the text of the video, the mother of three children had “lost three chickens in the last week”.

Oakley initially thought the culprit was a falcon until saw his pet, a Sebastopol goose named Frankie, get attacked ada by a bald eagle while she was nursing the baby when she was only wearing underwear at the time.

The dramatic video, shot by her home security system, begins with Frankie the goose honking her horn hysterically while standing at the front door of a house.

Suddenly, a bald eagle swoops down to grab the hapless Frankie and tries to take flight with her attached, while Oakley yells “Hey!” repeatedly in the background.

The bird thief leads his prey into the path of entrance before the owner runs out of the house in her underwear without a blouse, while holding her baby.

This causes the bird of prey to drop Frankie, whereupon the frightened animal runs back into the house.

Reflecting on the wild goose chase, Oakley exclaimed, “I was in the middle of feeding it, so I didn’t have a shirt on and was getting ready for the night.

“I just ran outside and when Mike (her husband) came out, told me: ‘you’re topless,'” he added. “And I say yes, I am very aware. Sorry neighbors.”

“I mean it’s definitely not something you see every day,” said Cait Oakley.

Frankie had run to the door to alert his owners to the presence of the eagle.

Fortunately, Frankie was unhurt in the attack, the CBC network reported.

“She’s totally fine, super sassy, ​​as always,” said the interspecies savior, who recently posted a video of herself comforting her pet after the traumatic incident.

TikTok was in awe of the mother goose’s heroic act, which Oakley attributed to her instinctive “fight or flight” response ”.

“Not all heroes wear capes,” said one fan online. “This was amazing”.

“This is not at all what I expected and I don’t know you but I adore you and I want to be your best friend ”, flattered another.

Meanwhile, a joker joked: “not all heroes wear clothes”.

“As a mother of three, I’m always breastfeeding and it’s very natural, that’s how mom’s life is summed up, something always happens when I’m feeding her and I’m always on the go,” said Oakley.

Others praised Frankie for possessing the means to run to the door and alert his owner of danger.

“The the way she was knocking on your door she’s a smart goose,” said one animal fan, while another wrote: “She was yelling at the door trying to warn before the eagle swoops in.”

“She always alerts us when there is something wrong in the garden,” Oakl wrote. hey, who ironically bought Frankie to protect the family’s chickens.

“She’s like my fourth daughter,” gushed the proud mother goose. “She follows Me around the yard…she nibbles on our clothes as a reward. She is such a presence.” However, due to the eagle’s rampant attacks, and perhaps the fact that the goose that kept the hens almost turned into lunch, the family set up a net on the property to protect themselves from future hijackings.