Saturday, September 28

AMLO affirms that Mexico City is safer than New York and Chicago

Palacio de Bellas Artes en la Ciudad de México.
Palace of Fine Arts in Mexico City.

Photo: HECTOR GUERRERO / AFP / Getty Images

César Reyes

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, assured that Mexico City is one of the safest cities in the world, even more so than New York and Chicago.

“In terms of security the progress in Mexico City is notorious, it is one of the safest cities . It was said and it can be proven that it is safer than several cities in the United States. Mexico City is safer than New York. I know that our opponents are not going to like this, but since they don’t get so angry anymore, before they used to get angry, now not so much, you don’t have to get angry at all, (Mexico) City is safer than Chicago and other cities in the United States and the world”, he assured.

The head of the Mexican Executive pointed out that security in the country’s capital has allowed more young foreigners of American origin to decide to stay and live in Mexico City.

“ I was talking yesterday or the day before yesterday that we were in Mexico City, in the offices of the old City Hall, that many young American foreigners are coming to live in Mexico City, there is security in Mexico City and it is a team, of course the head of government (Claudia Sheinbaum), is attending to the problem every day”, he commented.

He rules The Mexican tarian recalled that when he was Head of Government of Mexico City, crime rates were lowered, a situation that he said is also being experienced now.

“I was head of the Government of Mexico City from 2000 to 2005 and what can I tell you, in homicides it is the same, we lowered the homicides, there were 3 homicides a day when we arrived and we leave I think in 1.8, but now after 20 years is the same or less, I don’t know if we have today’s data there. This week homicides in the city I think it is 1.6, it is in the place 04 of the 32 states, taking into account the population, 1.9”, he assured.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador said that the security that exists in Mexico City is thanks to the good work carried out by the capital authorities in coordination with the federal ones.

“The head of the Mexico City police (Omar García Harfuch) is doing a good job and the same is the attorney Ernestina Godoy (Attorney General of Justice of the CDMX) and Rosa Icela Rodríguez helps me a lot, a lot, a lot, a lot, the Secretary of Public Security and Citizen Protection”, he specified.

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