Sunday, September 29

Mexican authorities will make a third opinion to clarify the cause of death of Debanhi Escobar

La Opinión

By: Real America News Updated 19 May 2022, 13: 08 pm EDT

The Mexican government announced that a third report will be made of the only autopsy performed on Debanhi’s body Escobar, a young woman 18 years old, found dead almost a month ago in a motel in the northern state of Nuevo León, whose presumed femicide continues unresolved.

“Yesterday at the follow-up meeting there was also consent to seek a third opinion, a third opinion , to strengthen the analysis and fully and absolutely clarify what was the cause of Debanhi’s death“, explained Ricardo Mejía, Undersecretary of Security of Mexico.

The Government of Mexico has promised to clarify the still mysterious death of Debanhi, whose body was found on 19 April in a cistern of a motel in the northern state of Nuevo León after disappearing on April 9.

The only autopsy of the Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office indicated that Debanhi died of a “deep skull contusion” , but last week an independent expert report was leaked, requested by the family, which revealed “fingerprints of a violent sexual relationship” and blows that indicate an alleged murder.

Undersecretary Mejía commented that “both opinions have differences, one appreciates that there was no sexual assault, the other appreciates that there was and different causes of death”.

“Consequently, what is sought is to be able to issue a technical opinion in order to be able to unify criteria of what was the cause of Debanhi’s death”, he argued in the morning conference of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador from the National Palace.

Debanhi’s death has caused an international stir due to the image that went viral of her abandoned on the road by a taxi driver who allegedly harassed her, and due to the alleged failures of the Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office, which first investigated the case as an accident. .

The notoriety of the case motivated the president, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, to meet last week with Debanhi’s parents, who have criticized the actions of the Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office.

“There is a commitment to strengthen collaboration to exhaust all lines of investigation, clarify the truth of the facts and that there is no impunity”, Undersecretary Mejía now reiterated.

The federal official also reported that “in chain of custody, the Nuevo León Prosecutor’s Office, the femicide area, will send video recording equipment, recordings, telephony, to the technical areas of the Secretariat of Security and Citizen Protection so that they can be analyzed”.

For her part, Griselda Núñez, the Specialized Prosecutor for Femicides and Crimes against Women, informed that she will travel from Nuevo León to Mexico City to carry out the homologation works of the two reports made on the autopsy of Debanhi Escobar.

At a press conference, Griselda Núñez did not rule out the possibility of an exhumation of the body of the young woman in case an expert or a judge requests it.

With information from EFE and Agencia Reforma.

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– AMLO met with relatives of Debanhi Escobar after the leak of a new autopsy
– Autopsy of Debanhi Escobar revealed that was murdered and sexually abused– Videos show Debanhi going to a party, argue with a young man, get into the taxi and run into the Motel