Sunday, September 29

“Naco drunk”, they tell Christian Nodal, they filter video where Belinda's ex appears with “too many drinks”

Christian Nodal / Belinda.
Christian Nodal / Belinda.

Photo: Mezcaliente / Mezcaliente

Elia Lopez

For: Elia Lopez Updated 19 May 2022, : 34 am EDT

Christian Nodal continues to be in the midst of controversy, since after the scandal unleashed by the messages he revealed about his ex-fiancée Belinda, where he asked her for money, a video has now been leaked where The Mexican regional singer appears to be with a few too many drinks.

And it seems that Belinda’s fans are not willing to forgive the singer of 23 years for having revealed private conversations he had with his then-girlfriend, because after those leaks, he is now dating a video has been released that shows Nodal getting drunk.

Although Christian Nodal currently assures that it is moderate, on social networks it is leaked a video of the life of excesses he had long ago, even when he still had his love relationship, with fellow singer Belinda.

It is unknown when the video was taken, but it is presumed that it already has some time, since it talks about the Grammy Awards that he won, although his companion says that they are replicas since they pour drinks into them.

“Naco drunk”, they tell Nodal

“This is not to focus on your career, in truth, as an artist and person you give sorrow” , highlights the message next to the video where Nodal appears drinking alcoholic beverages and which was posted on Twitter, in the account identified as @monyspop.

“How horrible that to come out you are talking about the woman you swore to love, naco, drunk”, highlights the message.

In the video you can see the interpreter of “Adiós Amor ”, toasting another man with what appear to be replicas of Grammy Awards, both of them looking hilarious.

At some point, in the video, Nodal’s friend can be heard saying that he is already drunk, to which the singer replies that he too .

Nodal presumably with “ extra drinks”

“I’m probably a little drunk”, commented the man.

“Probably me too”, responds Christian Nodal, according to what is heard in the video posted on Twitter.

This is how the controversy between Nodal and Belinda, as well as among the fans of the singers.

They defend Nodal for leaks about Belinda

Since while some attack Nodal for having leaked Belinda’s messages, others assure that the Mexican regional singer does not have to give explanations.

“If I have (give explanations) because I want focus my career on giving love from the depths to the world. And with these foolish people pulling me I’m not going to make it. I need to get rid of those haunting ghosts” , Christian Nodal replied to a fan.

Yes I have because I want to focus my career on giving love from the depths to the world.
And with these foolish people pulling me I’m not going to make it. I need to get rid of those haunting ghosts— NODAL (@elnodal) May 18, 2022

It was last February when Christian Nodal announced that he was ending his relationship with Belinda.

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